IOS 9.2 Not pushing inventory update

Contributor II

This appears to be documented in other communications regarding the need to update to 9.2.1, but just putting it out there incase anyone else missed it, like myself....

If you have any IOS 9.2 devices showing in MDM, you will find they are unlikely communicating with JSS, and need to be updated to 9.21 to fix the issue.

It took a while to isolate the mater cause I had a few other odd iPads, come by with communication issues not talking to JSS, but after not having constant interruptions, and some time to sit down with just one iPad, I was able to find the source of the issue with a search filter.

Essentially it prevents the ability to collect statistics of what apps are on the device, and what profiles are installed. To find iPads affected, you will likely see that their profiles inventory tab is not showing any profiles listed.

Criterial: Profile Name | Operator: Does Not Have | Value: MDM Profile



It still seems like the iOS update inventory push is lagging. I tried doing it for a set of iPad Air 2s we have after school and maybe a 5th of them updated. It's like they're not getting the command and I know they're on 9.2.1.

New Contributor II

We had this issue as well. After removing our wifi payload from the scope and reconnected to a wifi network push issues were resolved. Even while the device was sleeping and on the lock screen. Scoped the payload back to the device and the issues returned. Pulled the logs with and without our JSS wifi payload in scope to this iPad on iOS 8.3. This iPad was enrolled with Configurator. While I have not pulled logs on our DEP or user initiated enrollments, the behavior appears to be the same.

No JSS wifi payload:
<Notice>: 048862.094274 wlan0.A[24936] AppleBCMWLANCore::setProperties(): Active during sleep supported (true)

With JSS wifi payload in scope:
<Notice>: 050341.212705 wlan0.A[24988] AppleBCMWLANCore::setProperties(): Active during sleep supported (false)