iOS/iPadOS updates actually work?!


So with iOS 17, we've seen in the field that updates actually work as intended now! So what do I mean by that? Well, this is our observations:

1. Admin uses the traditional method of sending a mass-action command do a device to update to the latest version, with download, install and reboot

2. The device receives the command and downloads the update

3. The next time the user unlocks it, it will require the device PIN regardless if you have touch-ID or not, presumably to get the PIN to allow software installation

4. Then the update is scheduled overnight

5. During the night, regardless if the device is connected to a charger or has usufficient battery charge, the update will install and the device will reboot


This might seem like a no-brainer and obvious. However, this didn't work pre-17. Then users weren't prompted for a PIN at all, or they were prompted but could dismiss it. Update would fail to install overnight etc etc. In essence, what a huge positive change!

Is it just me or is this your experience as well? Another good thing about this is that the updates are deemed non-intrusive by most users as they are used to enter their PIN on occasion, and the update/reboot happens overnight instead of when the user unlocks the device.



Valued Contributor III

Sending a mass-action command to iOS Devices seems better around Jamf Pro 10.49 (ish) to me. Maybe I'm crazy. But saturation does seem better.

Until Jamf Pro 11 and DDM are out with enforcement, I've been playing around with different mass actions.

In addition to the download, install, and reboot, I choose a specific iOS version (for example: iOS 17.0.2 or 16.7), which seems to help.

I have also been trying to download only for a specific version. This preps and downloads the iOS version on the device. The user eventually gets a notification and sees the red badge on the Settings app. This nudges them.