iOS PreStage Credentials not working

New Contributor II

We have activated the checkbox in iOS PreStage enrollment that credentials are required.
We have set up Cloud Identity Provider (Azure AD) in the Jamf settings.
Every time a user now tries to log in to the iPhone setup, the message always appears that the data is incorrect.
However, I don't see any entry in the Azure AD log that Jamf has tried here.
Now I don't know what I'm doing wrong and what I need to do to make it work.


Valued Contributor

You're using Azure, so you can't use that.  You gotta set up an Enrollment Customization that includes a Single Sign-On Authentication pane


McAwesome is correct.  When we converted to Azure, we had a JAMF consultant assist us.  That consultant helped us set that up.  It redirects to our SSO page where folks enter their credentials.