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04:04 AM
- last edited
3 weeks ago
I Have a problem at a customer with enrolling of a iPhone. The user has got a new iPhone, the phone is registered for DEP. When the user is starting up the new phone and chooses to restore an iCloud backup to the phone, he gets an error message after that the restore is completed. The error message is (translated from Swedish): Profile installation faild. The profile "com.jamfsoftware.encrypted-profile-service" has to be installed interactive.
I have this problem at two different customers, the workaround is not to restore the backup, but it is not a solution. Both customers is on jamfcloud, and both the new phones have iOS 13.1.3
Does anyone have an idea about what to do?
Posted on 11-04-2019 05:31 AM
We are experiencing the same problem. Also in Sweden (don't know if it's relevant).
Support ticked is created.
Posted on 11-04-2019 11:03 PM
I have the same problem (iOS 13.2) also in Sweden..
Posted on 11-08-2019 01:12 PM
I'm experiencing the same problem in the US. :(
Posted on 11-12-2019 05:57 AM
I had the same issue with a user when trying to restore from an iTunes Backup of a non-managed device to a managed device. JAMF support told me this is not possible but I haven't been able to recreate in my testing. They suggested the following
It's not possible to restore an iOS device using a backup created before it was enrolled into management.
Our two best alternate options are as follows:
Option 1 (“weaker” restore): We can set up the device as new so that it enrolls successfully, then log into iCloud on the device to sync Contacts and Media. This requires that there are no restrictions in place from Jamf that would prevent logging in to iCloud.
Option 2 (requires a second device): 1. Take an iCloud backup on Device A, which has all of the photos and data that we want to keep. 2. Restore that iCloud backup to Device B, and check to see that the data came down alright. 3. Take an iCloud backup on Device B. 4. Go through the workflow to add Device A to DEP and enroll in Jamf. 5. After Device A is enrolled in DEP and enrolled in Jamf, restore the iCloud backup taken on Device B. It is important here to restore the backup from Device B and not Device A. 6. The device should now be enrolled in DEP, enrolled in Jamf, and have the photos and data from the backup
Posted on 11-22-2019 05:33 AM
Hi, we have the same issue with our iPhones. I believe it is some kind of bug in JAMF associated with changes in iOS 13, but I cannot find any workaround.
We have all iPhones enrolled through PreStage DEP. While all devices had iOS 12, we had no trouble to restore the new iPhone from iCloud backup.
We bought new iPhone 11 Pro and I installed iOS 13.2.3. Our user has iPhone X which is fully updated to iOS 13.2.3, but when I try to restore new iPhone from iCloud backup it won't let me install the "com.jamfsoftware.encrypted-profile-service" profile.
Did anyone find some workaround, please? It's not acceptable for us to setup iPhone as a new device without restoring the settings of old one.
UPDATE: I have just found that the error I described earlier only occurs when using Quick Start. If I skip the Quick Start setup and let the user manually log in to the Apple ID account and now selecting the option Restore from iCloud backup works fine. The device is correctly restored from backup and then successfully enrolled to Jamf.
Posted on 11-22-2019 01:10 PM
We had zero issues in October when we upgraded about 100 iPhones. All new ones are iPhone 11 with iOS 13 factory installed. About 70% of the older phones were already updated to iOS 13.x to the version of the day. Also, most of the updates were iCloud backups/restore and the restore process would do the iOS update as part of it. A few were iTunes backup/restore (and iTunes took care of the update).
But early this week, we had this same problem right after the device was updated. It had the "Software update complete - continue" and then this error occurred. Only way out is to put the phone in recovery mode and update again via iTunes.
Created a ticket with Jamf and they hadn't seen this yet supposedly, until I pointed them to this thread.
Posted on 11-23-2019 01:46 AM
I created a ticket november 5 so they should have been aware of this issue and I even put a link to this thread in the ticket. I didn't get any good answers from the support, they just keep saying that they can't reproduce the error so there is no error according to them. And they say I can't restore a phone in iTunes since it contains a MDM profile, but my backup doesn't contain any MDM profile since the old phones hasn't been managed. This has been my standard procedure since 2017 and has always worked until 13.1...
Posted on 11-27-2019 12:16 AM
I'm sorry to say that i have same issue with some of our 140 new iPhone 11, also in Sweden. Is this maybe related to Quick Start, did you guys get some answers from Jamf Support?
Posted on 11-28-2019 01:04 AM
I'm seeing the same issue on a new iPhone 11 Pro. It boots up and immediately is stuck on the error screen. How do I get it back into a working state?
Posted on 11-29-2019 01:21 AM
Same issue in Paris, luckily only on one device
Posted on 12-04-2019 05:07 AM
Hi all. I found this thread because I was looking for an answer on the exact same problem. We do not use JAMF but intune and the problem is the same. It happened especially with iOS 13, and has been a pain in the xxx ever since. It seems like with the latest 13.2.3 you are now able to restore your phone and then it can proceed with the installation. But it always comes with that error when restoring from an icloud or iTunes backup. The error is never there if you do not restore. It is an Apple issue and I do not understand why they dont prioritize it and fix the problem. We have considered completely dropping DEP because the value it provides does not outweigh the annoyances and support you have to give users.
Posted on 12-04-2019 12:00 PM
Same issue here: Jamf enrollment on iOS device, not trying to restore from backup though.
Posted on 12-17-2019 08:01 AM
Same issue here. Any word on from JAMF on whether this is a bug or not? I have 200 phones coming in January where I need to transfer profiles from old phones...this will be an issue.
Posted on 12-19-2019 07:42 AM
My ticket was closed since Jamf's solution is to not use Quick Start for now. When I asked if this had been escalated to Apple, they said they hadn't which I don't understand why.
We now have just a few devices to upgrade (our big cycle was in October). But even with iOS 13.3 released, the problem still exists.
We have users that do not have sufficient space in iCloud to back up their devices so Quick Start with phone to phone transfer is the ideal solution for us to upgrade devices. But since 9 out of 10 devices have a higher iOS than the one preinstalled by Apple in iPhone 11, the device needs to perform an iOS update prior to the restore from iCloud or phone-to-phone. The upgrade is what fails.
Only way to recover is to put the phone in recovery mode and update it via iTunes. And it's not something we can replicate since Apple is no longer signing older iOS versions, so no way to back track. You can only 'test' this on devices with older iOS.
This is definitely not a solution and must be fixed.
Posted on 01-02-2020 12:21 PM
Just wanted to post about my experience. So far we had the issue with devices already upgrade to OS 13 not restoring from iCloud.
What I found worked in our environment is to boot the new phones into recovery mode (iPhone 8) and using DFU mode restore/update the phone. After going thru this process we haven't had a restore fail.
Posted on 01-14-2020 12:30 AM
Does anyone has a solution, or do you disable DEP until problem solved by apple ?
Posted on 01-17-2020 12:48 PM
We are experiencing the same error w DEP devices running 13.x - backing up/restoring from iCloud or iTunes/Finder yields the error Profile installation failed The Profile “com.jamfsoftware.encrypted-profile-service” must be installed interactively.” Has anyone determined a sure-fire fix for this issue?
Posted on 01-20-2020 04:52 AM
We are also experiencing the same thing on devices in UK and Germany not all but ever so often there is one complaining about the profile... anyone been able to figure out the root cause? Is it user behaviour or system related? No, I don't believe in internet wether...
Posted on 01-20-2020 05:04 AM
This is the answer I got: We would like to inform you, that it’s being effect of Product Issue PI-007290 which is currently being investigated together by Apple engineers along with help of Jamf members as well. Issue affects all MDM solutions, and only approved workaround by Apple and Jamf is to skip Quick Setup option during phone initialization. Currently choosing this option is causing the issue. As the issue is not strictly on Jamf end, it’s not listed on Jamf Nation list of Known Issues.
Posted on 01-21-2020 08:07 AM
Have you found a solution for this problem ? Any news from JAMF / Apple ?
Thanks !
Posted on 01-22-2020 09:56 PM
Posted on 01-27-2020 12:28 PM
The device is getting bricked and only way to restore is using a DFU mode using iTunes or Apple Configurator using Mac. What a pain :(
Posted on 01-30-2020 12:17 AM
I sense hope ahead, with the new iOS 13.3.1 then DEP no longer fails. Can you also confirm that. Or was I just lucky with one device.
Posted on 02-05-2020 09:10 AM
I can confirm we experienced this issue today on iOS 13.3.1 with an iPhone X (institutionally managed & in DEP) and a user's previous iPhone 6S (also institutionally managed & in DEP) when we restored via iTunes encrypted backup. We're doing more testing but now trying to restore via iCloud backup ...
Posted on 02-05-2020 11:01 AM
Ultimately got this to work, but had to the go the iCloud Backup restore route, rather than the local iTunes restore. Not sure if this was in part because the original 6S device was on 12.4.1 where the X was on 13.3.1, or what, but that's what worked for us
Posted on 02-13-2020 08:18 AM
The problem still exists! I've deployed a few phones recently thinking I would save time using the Quick Transfer feature. Avoid Quick Transfer!
Posted on 02-20-2020 07:37 AM
@aporlebeke +1 succes with Icloud Backup
Posted on 02-28-2020 06:57 AM
I am a AirWatch Eng, I have seen the same issue in AW. What you all are experiencing is a apple bug with early versions of IOS 13. The only way to fix the iphones with this issue is factory defaulting them via iTunes.
Apple Bug ID: FB7496134
Posted on 07-30-2020 02:23 PM
Unreal - it's almost August and the issue still exists. CIO just got a new phone and bam - bricked device. Now have to walk him remotely on how to DFU, and then try again. Absolutely ridiculous.
Posted on 10-26-2020 07:23 AM
Just experienced the same with an upgrade from 14.0.1 to 14.1. Apple store couldn't help, Jamf neither ...
Posted on 10-29-2020 02:20 PM
I'm experiencing the same thing with multiple iPads. We bought 4 iPads. The first was setup without a problem. The 2 show "Profile Installation Failed" and that the "profile must be installed interactively".
In our case, we got the old and new iPads to 14.1, backed up the old iPads (no MDM on them) to iTunes, restored to the new ones. It shows "Restore Completed - Apps and data will continue downloading in the background." I click the blue "Continue" button, choose a Wi-Fi Network, click "Next", and then get stuck at the "Profile Installation Failed".
I'm going to keep reading forums but, as of now, it doesn't seem like I can do anything with it other than access it in iTunes which doesn't actually help. Supposedly I should be able to "Restore" in iTunes but it requires turning off "Find My", which I can't do because I can't actually interact with it.
Posted on 02-10-2021 04:37 PM
In addition to the "Find My..." wrinkle, I think the failure might also be related to the MDM Profile from the former device being backed up and applied to the newer device per the restore process. Not sure if this might also be related to the backup being done via iTunes vs iCloud but worth checking out - has solved a few of these issues for me.