IOS Profiles and Exchange issue

New Contributor III

I am on Casper v9.22 having issues with the IOS exchange profile. Leaving domain and username blank so it prompts user for username and password. However its just prompting for password. Any Ideas? I know this was supposed to be fixed in 9.22 but still seems broken.


New Contributor

I'm having the same issue. Any update on this?

New Contributor

I am experiencing this bug as well, JAMF Pro v10.4.1-t1525267633.

Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated!


On jamfcloud (10.17) and iOS 13.3 issue is still there. Hosted Exchange, No LDAP configured, we want users to enter their username and password. Possible workaround is to use $EMAIL , but we do not want to enter 60+ email address for devices manually, and this entry can only be done AFTER the device is enrolled, which creates a waiting period for users. No Go for this customer of mine.
Support confirms this is PI 000783.