Ipad Deployment from a tangled mess

New Contributor

Long story short. Everything was manually created and assigned statically or via smart and everything was good. Now all the devices have come back and mixed all together and they need to go back out. What is the best way to deploy from that scenario. I've been looking for days but finally decided to reach out since no one has a clue just an idea of what they want it to do. I was tossed this project with the knowledge of only assigning and simple usage of JAMF. Now I am in charge of recreating the beast and getting it up and running with new parameters. Any help is appreciated. 

We have around 1000 devices that are named based on site rooms and a few assigned to the user or teacher. We now have SFTP pulling data for grades tk-1st along with their teachers, in the hopes of enabling classroom. Apple school manager is being used but that's another beast in itself that I have to deal with. 


Release Candidate Programs Tester

It sounds like you may want to review the video series Getting Started with Apple School Manager.


Of particular importance will be the sessions on goals planning & defining your deployment, as well as the section on Shared iPad (since it sounds like some of your devices are assigned to rooms, rather than users).


On the plus side, it sounds like you are starting from scratch, so you can define something that works for your particular environment.


Good luck!