iPadOS Allow Pop-ups

New Contributor

I think I know the answer already but I figured I would try asking anyways...

On an iPad under Settings > Safari there is an option called Block Pop-ups which appears to be enabled by default. Is there a way with Jamf Pro to be able to disable it? I know there is an option in a configuration profile to "Allow Pop-ups" but this is just to control whether users are able to manually enable or disable the Pop-ups setting. 

I've tried Googling this question and everything points to it not being able to be controlled, I just figured I would ask to see if anything has changed with newer versions of iPadOS over the years.

Thanks in advance.


New Contributor II

@keith_wichman wrote:

I think I know the answer already but I figured I would try asking anyways

On an iPad under Settings > Safari there is an option called Block Pop-ups which appears to be enabled by default. Is there a way with Jamf Pro to be able to disable it? I know there is an option in a configuration profile to "Allow Pop-ups" but this is just to control whether users are able to manually enable or disable the Pop-ups setting. 

I've tried Googling this question and everything points to it not being able to be controlled, I just figured I would ask to see if anything has changed with newer versions of iPadOS over the years.

Thanks in advance.

You're correct that the "Block Pop-ups" setting in Safari on iPad is enabled by default, and as of now, there isn't a direct way to disable it using Jamf Pro.The "Allow Pop-ups" option in a configuration profile only controls whether users can toggle the setting themselves. Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be any change in newer versions of iPadOS that would allow you to manage this setting directly through Jamf Pro. If you need more control, you might need to explore alternative solutions or configurations.

New Contributor II

@keith_wichman wrote:

I think I know the answer already but I figured I would try asking anyways...

On an iPad under Settings > Safari there is an option called Block Pop-ups which appears to be enabled by default. Is there a way with Jamf Pro to be able to disable it? I know there is an option in a configuration profile to "Allow Pop-ups" but this is just to control whether users are able to manually enable or disable the Pop-ups setting. 

I've tried Googling this question and everything points to it not being able to be controlled, I just figured I would ask to see if anything has changed with newer versions of iPadOS over the years.

Thanks in advance.

You're correct that the "Block Pop-ups" setting in Safari on iPads cannot be directly controlled through Jamf Pro or any MDM solution. The configuration profile option "Allow Pop-ups" only controls whether users can toggle the setting themselves, but it doesn't let administrators force the setting off. As of the latest iPadOS versions, there haven't been any changes that allow this level of control, so users still retain the ability to manually enable or disable pop-up blocking in Safari.