ISo image - mac


I need to create a iso image of a mac for vmware. I have found several things on google creating an installer and then just rename it from .cdr to .iso.

But everytime windows tell me afterwards the image is corrupted. Has someone knowledge how to create a simple image ? - I am running high sierra with apfs


New Contributor II

Hi @rossoneris , i'm afraid APFS is not supported by VMware yet. Look here.
We had the same Problems and ended up installing Sierra-VMs on ESX and upgrading them to High Sierra with the option "--converttoapfs NO" mentioned here.

New Contributor III

To clarify, you want a High Sierra ISO to use for virtualization on a Windows machine running VMWare? That's going to be a little more involved than if you are trying to do this in VMWare Fusion (virtualizing on a Mac host). If you are using Fusion, you can just drag and drop the High Sierra installer.


So it is not possible to get running with a normal vmware player and a iso of a mac ? - must be vmware fusion instead?

New Contributor II

It is not allowed to run macOS on non-Apple Hardware. Either you install VMware ESXi on a MacPro or MacMini or use VMware Fusion.
Fusion should work with APFS, ESXi only supports HFS.


As I read vmware fusion you run windows on a mac ? - I need the opposite, to run Mac on windows. So I am booting up windows 10 and then in a window I run Mac OS

New Contributor II

Hi @rossoneris ,
again, it is not allowed to run macOS on non-Apple-Hardware. Therefore i can't follow your point on running macOS on a Windows-Machine. You need Apple-Hardware to either run ESXi or macOS directly. On both you can then run many instances of virtual machines with macOS.