Issue with HP M725 Printer when deployed via policy

New Contributor

Hey community,

We have a site full of Macs that need to use the HP M725 printer, however having some trouble with printer deployment. The printer is working with a follow-me print queue for smart card swipe-printing.

When deployed via policy (Casper Admin printer capture PPD Drive Install), when the users swipe the printer gives out a generic 'Server is not reachable' error. When the print queue is configured manually, via smb, the job goes through and the users are able to print.

I am a little confused as to what could be going wrong here, as the printer configuration in the policy appears identical to the manual configuration. Has anyone experienced anything like this before, or could explain where i may be going wrong?

HP support have been completely useless so far, as expected.




New Contributor III

Have you checked the printer in computer settings to make sure the model specific PPD is being deployed and not the generic? From my experience the generic PPD is typically set as the default even if you captured a model specific PPD in Admin.

New Contributor

Thanks for the reply, i'm uploading the PPD manually in the JSS, so that doesn't appear to be the issue..i've taken the PPD from /etc/cups when the printer is manually configured