Issue with Netboot/Imaging

New Contributor

JSS 9.32

Imaging will run, but not restart after imaging (Yes, Boot to target drive after imaging is checked)

Once restarted It will not bind and it doesn’t properly enroll into the JSS.

The computer pulls an IP address, but is getting an SSL error when trying to browse the web.

An error occurs stating that that Kernel Extensions could not be loaded

Same thing occurs with different netboots, and it’s a 10.9.5 Base image that had no issue before 11/25/2014.

No changes or updates have been made to the imaging server - Everything was working just fine until about 2 weeks ago.

Can anyone point me in a direction to figure this out? It's driving me crazy


Honored Contributor II

I would try booting from an external drive and running the casper imaging workflow, that would rule out (or in) the netboot as the culprit. If you don't have an external drive, just partition the drive on one of your target Macs and run Casper imaging from there. If that works ok, you will know its the netboot server / service.

It does sound like it is something else at fault though. I've just finished a deployment project at a school that had a few networking problems (specifically DHCP was really slow to hand out addresses), it was causing very similar symptoms.