Posted on 03-22-2011 10:15 AM
Hello everyone,
I am trying to re-schedule a replication of my master distribution point
to another server that used to work with a different schedule until
When I click "schedule Replication" in JSS Setup Utility I get an error
message that says:
The remote host identification has changed on the master distribution
point. Please edit or remove the file located at "MY_REPLICA" in admin's
home directory at:
Where "MY_REPLICA" is my secondary distribution point
I have tried to edit that file but could not find it.
Is the error message misleading?
Everything else seems to work fine, I can ssh to the server and I can
connect/edit that secondary distribution point from JSS Setup Utility, it
setting up the schedule that does not work.
I am missing something obvious?
Many thanks for your help
Posted on 03-22-2011 11:19 AM
A period before a file or folder makes it invisible. You will need to use
On 3/22/11 12:15 PM, "Anselmi, Carlo (MLN-IPG)" <carlo.anselmi at> wrote:
the Terminal application to make modifications within the .ssh directory.
William Smith
Technical Analyst
Merrill Communications LLC
(651) 632-1492
Posted on 03-22-2011 01:11 PM
Hello and thank you for your reply.
Although I am not a scripting guru at all, I was aware that was an
invisible folder.
The fact the error message point to /private/var/root/.ssh/known_hosts
whereas I am using the local admin on the server to connect with ssh and
the file is at ~/.ssh/known_hosts.
Anyway I thought it was JSS fault but obviously is ssh's
I get an error message on the master sever secure log saying "sshd[7392]:
in pam_sm_authenticate(): Failed to determine Kerberos principal name."
therefore I have to fix the replica...
Thank you again