CS 3 & 4 issue w/ 10.6.6?

Valued Contributor II

We've been experiencing problems with CS3 and CS4 deployments since we
took out the PPC's from the environment. The problems range from
Photoshop unable to launch (Errors: "Could not open a scratch file
because you do not have necessary access privileges." & "Could not
initialize Photoshop because you do not have the necessary access
privileges") to Illustrator either not launching (Error: Application
quit unexpectedly) to being unable to print (Error: Can't print the

The base image is a 10.6 retail disc w/ 10.6.6 slipstreamed in via
instaDMG. Once the whole system is imaged then we sign in and push down
CS3 or CS4. Launch Photoshop and Acrobat... then push down the patches,
and launch the apps again.

The users don't have admin rights, but even granting admin doesn't seem
to make a difference.

John Wojda

Lead System Engineer, DEI

3333 Beverly Rd. B2-338B

Hoffman Estates, IL 60179

Phone: (847)286-7855

Page: (224)532.3447

Team Lead: Matt Beiriger
<mailto:mbeirig at searshc.com;jwojda at searshc.com?subject=John%20Wojda%20Fe

Mac Tip/Tricks/Self Service & Support <http://bit.ly/gMa7TB>


Not applicable

That error sounds like you need to change permissions on the application's
folder (i.e. /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS4) to enable Read/Write by
everyone and then propagate to all files and subfolders.

Karl Schoenefeld | IT Department
SGS St Louis | 1035 Hanley Industrial Court | St Louis, MO 63144
Direct: 314-918-3126 | Cell: 314-680-0359

Valued Contributor

Do you have rosetta installed? I may be misremembering, but this sounds familiar. Get info on the product and choose 'open with Rosetta' and try opening again. If this works, then try removing 'open with Rosetta' and the try to open the app again.


Not applicable

That sounds like a security problem waiting to happen, and I doubt it will fix the issue.

After trying Rosetta (couldn't hurt, right?), the first thing I'd recommend doing is making sure all of the contents of the users' home folders are owned by the appropriate user. Try this:

sudo chown -R <user>:<group> /Users/<user>

for each user. If that doesn't do it, you might want to start investigating /Library/Application Support/Adobe.

*sigh* I have wasted so many hours fixing permissions on Adobe packages. Why can't they just get it right?

Valued Contributor

I've remembered, this was a problem with Painter, not Photoshop, that was fixed by switching rosetta off and on. Sorry! I'd go with the permissions suggestions!

You say it happened since removing the ppc machines, but you are rolling out 10.6, so you've made several changes in one. Maybe you should try an older known working set up first, on an intel machine, if permissions doesn't appear to fix it.


Esteemed Contributor III

Um, you're kidding, right? :)



Esteemed Contributor III


My apologies, didn't mean to send this to the list. I misread "change permissions on the application's folder" thinking you meant /Applications directory.

Not enough coffee.




It's not unheard of. I've had developers ask to set Applications to 777 on all clients before. Obviously I did not satisfy their request.

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