Jamf 100 vs 200 vs 300


We are looking at getting certification. If we pass the 100 exam and get the Associate, what does the 200 teach that you wouldn't need to learn to pass the 100. I know the 100 is self paced and not a proctored exam, but if you are confident you know the material, what benefit is taking the 200 course.

I have been using Jamf for about 4 years now for Mobile and Computer management.

Can one jump straight to the 300 course, skipping the 200?


Valued Contributor II

The 200 is very beneficial if you have little experience with Jamf.

after 4 years you can without a doubt jump right into the 300 course (if you can go straight to 300) depending on your experience level with Jamf / Scripting

after 1 year with jamf & 2 years administrating Macs I went straight into the 200 course and breezed through it wasn't beneficial given my experience level. It's very JPS Dashboard focused and you don't really touch scripting at all, you barely scratch the surface and you don't touch the API at all. The 200 course is Heavy on packaging software & setting up policies, configuration profiles, etc. basically in depth workshops regarding the jps dashboard / gui side settings. Always something new to learn in the courses. No doubt.

Before taking the 200, I was already working with the API, Scripting Shell & Applescript, I set up multiple jamf servers & infrastructure for our environment, deploying with dep/prestage enrollments, etc.

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Contributor II

100 is optional.

200 or old CCT is required for you to get certified at 300 level. Not sure if they prevent you from taking the 300 course but in order be certified at 300 level, you will need 200 or CCT (if you were certified during JAMF Casper Suite version 9) in order to achieve 300 level certification.

Valued Contributor

You can't skip levels other than the 100.

You have to take the 200 to be allowed to take the 300 and the 300 to take the 400.

Even if you've used it for 10 years, there may be something new to be learned or a trick you didn't know. I wouldn't write it off as useless.

Legendary Contributor III

Hmm. Does Jamf allow going straight to the Jamf 300 course without first meeting a pre-req for at least the 200? I can't imagine they would hold anyone to taking the 100 course as a prerequisite since it's really pretty basic. But I was under the impression that unless you had a previous certification from them that they would require doing the 200 before going to the 300. Maybe I'm wrong though. I need to re-certify myself, so if skipping straight to the 300 is an option, I surely might do that.

EDIT: Ok, looks like that was answered as I was drafting my own response. Looks like I was correct that they require the 200 before taking the 300.


Thanks everybody for your help in this.

Contributor II

I wish they would come up with the online version of training and cut the price down to half for the online version. $2,500 plus travel does add up.

Valued Contributor

@mm2270 If you have the CCT or CCA, that counts as the 200 and 300. As long as it's for version 9 or version 10. You're good to move forward in the track of progression if that's the case.

Contributor II

After two years of administering Jamf, I just received the opportunity to take the 200 course, which I'm very excited about. This will happen in April. Just today, I tested and certified for the 100 course, mostly for my own personal satisfaction and giving me the self-confidence to keep moving forward with this product. Looking forward to finishing the 200 in April and getting my CCT badge.
