Posted on ‎02-21-2020 04:22 AM
I’ve found a slight incompatibility with Skype for Business and the particular version of macOS I’m using. The symptoms are that Skype never requests permission to use your MacBook’s microphone and so it’s permanently muted for all participants in a call. Has anyone else seen this problem? and have a resolution.
Posted on ‎02-21-2020 06:46 AM
We've seen this issue, and the fix was to walk the user through the privacy settings to manually give Skype access to the microphone and camera. PPPC policies may allow automating this? Haven't seen this affect anyone else on a call, however.
Posted on ‎02-27-2020 11:18 PM
Resolved thank you đź‘Ť
Posted on ‎03-19-2020 11:41 AM
I created this script to reset the TCC Camera and microphone setting for users without disabling SIP. Within my environment, I setup an EA to check for a logged in User's disabled TCC values and parse for Skype for Business's bundleID. I then run the tccutil reset Microphone or Camera
command depending on which value was disabled. With Catalina you can reset individual TCC camera or microphone bundleID's (So just Skype for Business will ask for re-approval).
Please note, the only way (I've found) to get this to work on Mojave is by reseting the TCC Camera or Microphone settings for all apps.
#Shaquir Tannis 3-19-2020
#This script is created to report and reset disabled Camera or Microphone TCC Security and Privacy access for Skype for Business within a logged in user's TCC preferences. If the Camera or Microphone option is disabled it will reset the TCC value to allow a reprompt for a user's Camera or microphone access. SIP can stay enabled
#### Please be aware that for machines running Mojave and below resetting a single Application's TCC bundle ids does not work properly so the entire microphone or camera TCC settings will be reset. If you have multiple apps that require TCC, please consider the neccessity of this script. Use at your own risk####
# This script can only succesfully reset the camera or microphone's TCC value with a logged in User
# Get current logged in user
loggedInUser=$(/bin/ls -l /dev/console | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $3 }')
# Get current logged in user's home directory
[[ "$loggedInUser" ]] && loggedInUser_home="$(/usr/bin/dscl /Local/Default read /Users/"$loggedInUser" NFSHomeDirectory | /usr/bin/awk '{print $2}')"
APPNAME="Skype for Business"
#You can only reset single app bundle id's starting with Catalina. All TCC Camera and Microphone approval values will need to be reset for OS's below Catalina
#Check Os Version if Catalina - Add bundle id for app
versionCheck="$( sw_vers -productVersion | cut -d . -f 2 )"
if [[ "$versionCheck" -ge "15" ]];
echo "macOS version is 10.$versionCheck so bundleID will be set"
function resetMicrophone(){
su - $(stat -f%Su /dev/console) -c "/usr/bin/tccutil reset Microphone $bundleID"
function resetCamera(){
su - $(stat -f%Su /dev/console) -c "/usr/bin/tccutil reset Camera $bundleID"
echo "macOS version is 10.$versionCheck so all TCC Microphone or Camera values will be reset"
function resetMicrophone(){
su - $(stat -f%Su /dev/console) -c "/usr/bin/tccutil reset Microphone"
function resetCamera(){
su - $(stat -f%Su /dev/console) -c "/usr/bin/tccutil reset Camera"
# Tests whether the app to be updated is closed - returns 1 if closed, or 0 if running
# If App is opened run command to prompt User to close
function is_app_running()
#If app is running call on AppleScript
/usr/bin/pgrep -q "$APPNAME"
if [[ "$?" == "0" ]]; then
echo "$APPNAME is running. Will prompt user for permission to close"
# AppleScript to alert the user that the app needs to close
#Will Autoclose after 10 Minutes (900)
function show_update_alert()
/usr/bin/osascript <<-EOD
tell application "Finder"
set DialogTitle to "$APPNAME"
set DialogText to "Skype needs to close to repair your $disabledMessgae permission. Please select ***Allow*** when prompted to grant Skype for Business Access to your $disabledMessgae"
set DialogButton to "Fix Now"
set DialogIcon to "Applications:Skype for"
display dialog DialogText buttons {DialogButton} with title DialogTitle with icon file DialogIcon giving up after 900
end tell
echo "Prompt has completed"
# Send the app a signal to forcibly close the process
function forcibly_close_app()
echo "Closing $APPNAME"
/usr/bin/pkill -HUP "$APPNAME"
function open_app()
if [ "$wasOpen" == "Yes" ];
echo "Re-opening $APPNAME"
sudo -u $(ls -l /dev/console | awk '{print $3}') open "/Applications/$"
if [[ -z "$loggedInUser" ]]; then
echo "No Logged in User. Exiting Script"
elif [ "${loggedInUser}" != "itadmin" ] || [ "${loggedInUser}" != "root" ] || [ "${loggedInUser}" != "" ]; then
disabledValues=$(/usr/bin/sqlite3 "$loggedInUser_home/Library/Application Support/" 'SELECT service, client FROM access WHERE allowed = '0'' | grep "")
IFS=" "
#echo "<result>$disabledValues</result>"
#Check if both Mic and Camera are disabled
if [[ "$disabledValues" == *"kTCCServiceMicrophone|"* ]]&&[[ "$disabledValues" == *"kTCCServiceCamera|"* ]]; then
disabledMessgae="Camera and Microphone"
#Close Skype and reset permission
#Reset TCC
#Reopen App if it was previously open
#Check if Mic is disabled
elif [[ "$disabledValues" == *"kTCCServiceMicrophone|"* ]];
#Close Skype and reset permission
#Reset TCC Microphone
#Reopen App if it was previously open
#Check if Camera is disabled
elif [[ "$disabledValues" == *"kTCCServiceCamera|"* ]];
#Close Skype and reset permission
#Reset TCC Camera
#Reopen App if it was previously open
echo "Permisions Okay"