Jamf acquires NoMAD

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hello Jamf Nation!

As I'm sure you've heard, today we announced that Jamf acquired Orchard & Grove, the makers of NoMAD. NoMAD is a combination of open-source and premium for-fee solutions, aimed at helping organizations provide a simple, unified provisioning and account synchronization process. With NoMAD, Jamf’s intent is to create the best possible Apple provisioning and authentication user experience.

NoMAD and NoMAD Login will continue to be available to the open-source community. Jamf will not only continue to develop the open-source solution, but now offer free chat support from our support organization. The commercial software products, NoMAD Pro, NoMAD Login+ and NoMAD PKINIT will also continue to be sold, developed and supported. They will be sold as unified solution, now rebranded Jamf Connect. For more information on the acquisition, check out the news release: https://www.jamf.com/resources/press-releases/jamf-acquires-nomad-the-leading-solution-for-streamlining-mac-authentication-and-account-management/

Have a great day!


Valued Contributor III

@deanhager congrats on bringing a class act product into the Jamf fold. I welcome that announcement and given the strong support your org has, I’d love to see a version of the pro product integrated into the Jamf management framework with full-blown support.

I had always wanted to ditch AD binding but could never justify the on-site engagement for Apple Enterprise Connect on a k-12 school district budget. If you combine the NoMAD Pro product into Jamf Pro and offer full-blown support for Jamf customers, I can consider “ditching the bind”.

New Contributor II

Is there any advantage to customers who already use JAMF and NoMAD in their environment?


also any advantage to switching from apple enterprise connect....??

Valued Contributor II

@pdanielewski I think the biggest advantage will be @mactroll has a team of people to help better the product :)

New Contributor II

Seriously amazing. Great job Jamf!

New Contributor II


New Contributor III

So exciting!


Looking forward on how Jamf will "bind" NoMAD.


Do we lose the caribou logo?
I'll tear my work's Jamf Pro server out if you guys kill the caribou!
;-) Not really, but can I at least go buy a NoMAD t-shirt before any logo changes?

Contributor III

We were a week away from buying NoMAD enterprise support, we will no hold off and see how JAMF play this.

We bind to AD, we have to as we use device certs, I believe NoMAD only supports user certs. So how will NoMAD still support customers who have to bind but want to use JAMF to alleviate external password changes and FileVault issues that seem so common with bound Macs, with mobile accounts using FV.

New Contributor II

This is great news! Go @mactroll


now if we can get Casper Remote to work over the internet, the world will be a better place. Jamf should acquire BOMGAR!

Contributor III

Great news!

New Contributor III

This is awesome!

We're still binding because of AD certificates, so uhhh let me know when you need test users for Jamf Connect ;)

New Contributor III

This is awesome. Nomad is a very solid company and I setup their Nomad Pro and Okta integration at my last company. Great news.

Contributor III

@deanhager - Will Jamf continue to provide the near-real time, nimble, and responsive support and bug fixing of NoMAD Login+Okta, NoMAD Pro, NoMAD Pro Chrome Extension, DEP Notify, etc. that @mactroll and @macshome have singlehandedly provided?

Kind regards,

Caine Hörr

A reboot a day keeps the admin away!

Contributor III

@MatG Have you looked into SCEP proxy integration into your Microsoft CA?

We've been able to issue machine certs for internal WiFi without binding. Works great for iOS too.

Esteemed Contributor III

We've got Enterprise Connect deployed. It works. Its from Apple. Its a Prius. It gets you there. #meh

NoMAD is a whole nudd'a animal. Is a Plymouth Hellcat. Pulling wheelies. Raises heart rate. #awesome

Jamf and NoMAD is the whole package. Its a Nascar car, driver, and team. Winning races. #varooom



Valued Contributor

What does this mean for organizations who have purchased Support plans from Orchard and Grove for the open-source products?

Contributor III

@merps No, I don't get to touch it. I'll ask the team.

Valued Contributor

@mscottblake In the slack channel they said all support contracts with O&G will be honored.

Valued Contributor

This quote makes it a hard sell to my superiors. Basically, we paid for support, but it is now being offered for free, so I am wondering what is meant by honored.

NoMAD and NoMAD Login will continue to be available to the open-source community. Jamf will not only continue to develop the open-source solution, but now offer free chat support from our support organization.

Valued Contributor

$24 a seat? Still priced out with over a 1000 machines and constant growth. :(

Valued Contributor

Would love to see some stats on NoMAD usage versus size of Mac fleet - what's the breakdown, etc.

Contributor III

Hopefully they acquire Autopkg/Autopkgr too. to make up for the features we paid for and already not usable like Jamf Imaging and JDS.




JDS isn’t as good as options available today. E.g. Rsync, Resilio, JCDS, macOS AppStore, curl, AWS.

Autopkg/autopkgr is better off open source for the time being. But not necessary, you can copy and paste your own curl scripts, launch agents and daemons.

Enable auto update for eligible apps and operating systems if your internal policies allow it.

Contributor III

Congratulations JAMF!

Contributor II

We've been using NoMad at my company. I am curious on how JAMF will tie in NoMad. Exciting!

Contributor III

The price in crease from single yearly Enterprise Support for NoMAD to per seat license is crazy high, for us thats a 4x increase.


@MatG NoMAD is free. Jamf Connect you pay for. can you clarify what you're talking about for me, please? :)

Contributor II

@MatG The pro versions of NoMAD (Okta integrated) were also per seat licenses.


Hi everyone - We've seen a great response to Jamf Connect so far, and have added a Q&A blog post to cover many of the common questions we've heard regarding existing O&G customers, NoMAD, and Jamf Connect. We're happy to answer any question specific to your environment as well, and please contact Jamf Support if we can help.

Contributor III

@Eigger @prl JDS was deprecated a while ago.


@mhegge yerp :)

Contributor III


Were were quoted by NoMAD for an Enterprise license cost of about $4000 per year, that was it. For JAMF Connect I got quoted over $12k


@MatG If you need Jamf Connect you're likely using Okta as a source of truth. If you're using Active Directory as a source of truth you can use Nomad and Nomad Login for free. Be sure you're not buying a monster truck (i.e., Jamf Connect) to pick up groceries. If you're an existing Jamf Pro customer, you have access to Jamf Support for Nomad and Nomad Login. If your end goal is something that can only be achieved with Jamf Connect then you're a bit stuck as Jamf decided to only offer Jamf Connect as a bundle of all of NoMAD's paid products.