Posted on 07-10-2015 05:13 PM
We signed up for a hosted JSS a few months ago. We've been encountering some pretty severe reliability issues with the product. Has anyone else been having problems with a hosted instance?
Specifically, the JSS has been unavailable or down, or very slow. This has been happening on and off ever since we began using the product, and it's been very bad these past few days. We've submitted a decent amount of requests to our rep, and to JAMF support directly. We have been promised phone calls from their Cloud Services team, but this hasn't ever materialized, and we still haven't gotten clarification on what exactly the problem is.
Any feedback from the community would be greatly appreciated. Before we invest too heavily into the product I need to understand what to expect moving forward.
Posted on 07-10-2015 06:03 PM
Wesley, I don't use or have any experience with the hosted services, but as a 5 year global enterprise customer, let me tell you that I have found JAMF to be one of the most responsive and easiest technology companies to work with bar none, hands down. I'm sure they will make right by you, stick with it. That sounds like a very atypical experience.
Posted on 07-10-2015 06:08 PM
I'm sorry you've been having these issues, I've been a JAMF Cloud customer for almost 18 months and have had almost zero down time that I can account for.
I always include my TAM in tickets I open but are you contacting JAMF Support first rather than second?
Posted on 07-10-2015 07:14 PM
Thank you for the replies! I am glad to hear other people are not having similar issues. We have tried going through our rep, and we have tried calling JAMF Support directly. We still have multiple issues that have not been resolved, and my Engineering Team is beyond frustrated.
I actually just got an email from an Online Services Manager, which is awesome! I very much look forward to working with him to resolve our issues. Hopefully our experience turns around; this community has been a great resource for us so far, and everyone seems to really love JAMF as a company.
Posted on 07-13-2015 05:34 AM
We have also had these issues. We always report them and they have never been addressed by JAMF. We have actually had multiple documented crashes.
Posted on 07-13-2015 11:35 AM
@jrwilcox: We just got off the phone with an Online Services Manager. He was very helpful, and answered many questions for our team. They are working to resolve our critical issues, hopefully in the next few days.
I recommend you insist on speaking with Online Services directly if you feel your JAMF Cloud issues are ongoing, or you aren't getting clarification on something. Out of everyone we've talked to so far, they easily have the most insight into how their hosted instances function.
Posted on 07-16-2015 11:14 PM
I'm managing about 1500 Macs across almost every state, and we use the cloud hosted option. There was one version where we were having similar problems to what you are having, but the support team was very responsive and jumped right on it and we got a beta version of the next release pushed out which resolved it very quickly. Every other version has been extremely responsive for us. We also use AWS for our distribution point and it has been excellent as well. We push some files through that that are enormous, and when we were doing our JAMF training, the trainers were a little hesitant about files of that size even working through all cloud distribution, but we have been pleasantly surprised with how well it all works.
Posted on 08-30-2016 08:42 AM
We have these problems all the time, and it just keeps getting worse. With Casper Admin app, we can't upload large packages because it always errors out at the end. We used to get around that by logging into the JSS and uploading them there. Now, the JSS will timeout and log me out after about 15 minutes while uploading a package, so it never gets uploaded.
I have to constantly refresh the browser when clicking on links because it won't load properly or takes forever navigating around. We have a very high speed bandwidth both up and down so I know it is not on our end. Never had this problem when we hosted our own server. Not happy about being talked into the JAMF Cloud.
Posted on 09-22-2016 01:15 PM
Hey msmith80,
I think there might be an issue with 9.93-9.96 that might be contributing to sluggish results. On the last post in the link below that I added, you'll see a picture of load times / traffic when logging into the JSS. Any chance you can can open chrome web developer, click network and do a similar page load of any page on the jss cloud portal? I'm curious on what what navigating JSS Cloud is with a bit of latency and how much traffic is passing vs having it as a local appliance.
Kind regards,