Jamf Cloud test enviornment

New Contributor

Hello World!

So from my research I am not sure this is a thing, but I am looking to spin up a test instance through Jamf Cloud for test and training purposes. I am not looking for a trial addition, and we are already using Jamf Pro.

Let me know if this is something that's possible or if we are going to have to use our present environment, scope and enroll some devices for testing.

Thanks so much!


Contributor III

Reach out to your account manager or support. This may depend on your license type.

Honored Contributor

You get a single test instance with jamf cloud, at least we do. You don't get to control upgrades though unless you are on Premium I think, and even then that might be wrong. We have a test env for jamf cloud


How do you set it up? 

Do we need to get another Instance to set it up? We have an Activation code but no instance. Was that supposed to be provided by the Account Manager?


Does it cost to create another instance?

New Contributor III

Hey, were you able to figure out how to set up the instance? I'm looking to do the same thing to do some testing with the new LAPS API but cant find any modern documentation on getting the instance setup.