
Joined: July 2021

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  • 42 Posts
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I have a bit of dilemma where I need to remove Jamf Framework and enroll many devices at once. I was thinking we can do something with a script:#!/bin/bashsudo jamf removeFrameworksudo jamf enroll -prompt -nopolicy #After this is run, it would reques...
Hello! I hope someone can help me with this. I've look into several other links and it does not seem to work.We generally have the Sharing preferences disabled in our Jamf using the Config Profile. We have a certain group of people who needs Screen S...
On-Prem Jamf: Remote Management is very slow. Is that normal? It takes about 30 ~ 1 hour, sometime even 24 hours to complete Remote Management.We dont use Jamf cloud (cost reasons). Anyone else using On-Prem, could you tell me how long it takes for y...
If you buy Jamf Training pass, 1. Can you retake the test as many time as you want? 2. Can you also take many courses as you want?3.What is covered by Jamf training pass? Thanks!
This may be a newbie question but I have looked everywhere: Initially I was trying to get Jamf Tools: after some googling, it says I will need jamf nation account and go to My Assets.I create a jamf account for myself but ofcourse, no subscription he...