Jamf Cloud UI - Latest changes are bad

New Contributor


Am I the only one who thinks the latest Jamf Pro cloud UI changes are bad??

The links were changed to a blue colour and the other colours look faded.

Makes things look they were done by a rookie website designer.

It is even worse using the iPad.

I use it alot on the ipad while I am out in the field and it is almost unusable.

I use it in portrait mode and I cannot see the left hand column of info UNLESS I collapse the menu.

Someone needs to explain how this is an improvement!!!

Please contact me for further details.


Valued Contributor III

Personally, I like the colors more and see this as an improvement. It's easier on my eyes. 

Scrolling through policy and configuration profile names is a tad easier for me as well.

That's just me.

Contributor III

everyone has their own personal preference, to me i like it, much brighter, a lot more space. I applaud the change

New Contributor
Has anyone else tried it using an ipad??

Or let us customize the UI to our liking.

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