JAMF Connect and O365

New Contributor

Anyone running JAMF Connect with Microsoft O365 backend? Looking to see what experiences people are seeing. We are wanting to login to JAMF Connect (with Azure AD) and then pass that SSO token to all apps (Outlook, Teams, Onedrive) so the users do not have to authenticate to each app.



Hey @scruzan Are you also using the SSO Plugin?

Jamf Connect doesn’t generate and SSO token by default but if you deploy the SSO Configuration Profile and Deploy Company Portal, even if you don’t use it, then you can have SSO for “most” of the Apps. One Drive and Teams are still wonky but MS has to solve that.

Here is the KB:

Pro Tip make sure to add all the applications that you want SSO to work on whether it’s supported or not that way once that application does it will just start working.

Yes we are using the SSO plugin and that works once you authenticate to one application. We would like the JAMF Connect authentication to pass that SSO token to the apps.