jamf connect azure failure logs

Contributor III

Hi all,

So we have JAMF Connect working perfectly in our company but the other day we noticed that there are 1000s of failure logs.

Logging in through the login screen there is a successful login in the azure logs but after that there are failure logs throughout the day.

It looks like it might be the menu app causing these failures when it tries to verify the passwords but I cant pin point what is the problem.

Has anyone else had this issue?


New Contributor III

I also had this issue - I believe it's due to conditional access config for me. Did you figure out a way around it?

Contributor III

So Jamf told me that this is expected behaviour. As the Menu app doesn't use MFA and just does a password sync, Azure interprets it as a failed login attempt.

Not the best if you ask me but it seems to work fine.

New Contributor III

Yeah, unfortunately, those failures get InfoSec's hackles up. I was able to solve this by creating an enterprise application (instead of an app registration). then i added the user.read scope and granted consent for my org (and whatever else needed in that app registration for Jamf Connect). The outcome is that the enterprise app shows up in the conditional access policy list of cloud apps. i can then exclude it from the MFA policy and redirect these failures. I'll try and put together a writeup for this...

Contributor III

@scheb that would be awesome if you could get a write up on that. Would defo get the security team off our backs!

Contributor II

So we see this issue also since long time. May a few months. Never found a solution and jamf support said to me also, that this is normal behavior. But something strange must be happen, because my user is the only one since two weeks, that never run in this login failures.
I dont know how to troubleshoot exactly. I need to go back and look what we have changed in azure (maybe) with my user.
I have also an admin user in azure, but this is not the one I use for jamf CONNECT.

Contributor II

really strange, my user are back with the errors in azure ad. I dont know how to solve it.

Contributor II

@scheb did you the write up already?
I tried the same with the enterprise application but it doesn't work for us.