Jamf hanging after patch policy notification to user to close app

Contributor III

I have seen this on several machines lately and would like to see if anyone else is seeing this behavior:

Jamf Pro Cloud 10.37.2

Patch Management > Patch Policies in place for Microsoft Office Apps

Patch policy will run > download installer > start installer > notify user of the app in question being open and that it needs to close > Policy is set to force close in 1440 mins(24 hours) if user doesn't comply.

On the problem machines, the patch policy never force closes the app, and the jamf agent appears to be in some sort of hung state. For instance, here is the jamf.log from one of these machines:

Thu Apr 21 13:25:59 WKSMAC24292 jamf[35063]: Executing Patch Policy Microsoft Outlook
Thu Apr 21 13:27:24 WKSMAC24292 jamf[35063]: Verifying package integrity...
Thu Apr 21 13:28:01 WKSMAC24292 jamf[35063]: Notifying user of apps that must quit...

This machine has been on and active since 4/21 and no jamf policies have been run. in fact last checkin and inventory update also show 4/21.

Anyone else seeing this behavior? Typically to resolve I would do a sudo killall jamf. However I have to either have the end user run this or I need to remote to the machine. Is there a way to resolve this remotely? Is there a way to prevent this?