Jamf Help

New Contributor

Hello everyone, I am new in Jamf and before asking for the free trial I would like to make some questions here with the hope someone will help. I will work soon in a company where 70% of the users have an Apple laptop and the 30% Windows 10. The company is new and currently, they didn’t implement an MDM solution like Intune, AD or AAD to manage user account and device. I would like to understand if using Jamf as an Apple MDM solution could allow me to manage user account such as creating a user account and pushing it remotely to the machine. Please, any help and advice will be appreciated.

Thank you.


Valued Contributor III

Yes, you can manage user accounts. Also, Jamf can answer any questions for you and your ORG as you go through the trial.


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Esteemed Contributor

Depends on what your end goal is. JAMF can make local accounts, and push them as a policy as well as resetting the passwords for those local account. However doing things this way will get out of hand quick as its really only designed to be done for "IT" accounts and not user accounts. That is unless you don't mind creating a policy for every single user you have and setting the scope up to where it targets the correct devices and removing those accounts when a user off-boards.



I think you are looking at the chicken or the egg here. Do you want identity management before device management, really you need both. If you don't have a centralized IDP like AAD, Okta, etc. you will either be allowing users to make their own accounts or manually making the accounts for the users. JAMF Pro is not an identity management tool. If and when you get an IDP look in to JAMF Connect, which does not require JAMF Pro.