JAMF Helper for Microsoft Activations

New Contributor III

Hello Nation members - I am wanting to implement the JAMF Helper now that some of my load has lightened at work, and I can properly focus on JAMF.

Our workflow goes as such: We get the machine from DEP, Local user is added, Service Desk runs installation policies to install applications. Once they are installed, and FV is enabled, we have the user sign into the machine.

What I'd like to do is when they sign in, we have JAMF Helper prompt the user for their username and password, store as a variable, then we can pass it through Microsoft O365 applications for activation/setup. (Outlook, Office, Teams, Skype).


Another thing would be to have the applications launch one-by-one sequentially for activation, then upon successful activation/setup, the script calls the next application for configuration.

Bonus points if anyone has figured out how to script out enabling filevault on mobile accounts. Kinda kills the "zero touch" experience.

Thanks everyone. Robert.



Microsoft Teams and Skype are their own beasts, but I'll point you to my blog post for Office activation and Outlook configuration. You may find it useful.

Help users activate Microsoft Office 365 and configure Outlook in one click

Similar to configuring Office and Outlook in the blog post, you'll find Skype settings at the bottom of this page for configuring username and SIP address.


As for Teams, I don't believe it's currently manageable.