Jamf iOS Restrict Google Apps to @domain.com

New Contributor II

Hi all. Hope everyone is having a great Friday. We're relatively new to Jamf Pro, and brand new to iOS. We are deploying some iPads which I have setup with Apple Configurator 2 and ABM and tied those to Jamf Pro. Things are looking good with restricting the App Store, and whitelisting only approved apps.

We use Google Workplace, so we are deploying all the Google Apps. We'd like to restrict these iPads to only be able to login with the corporate Google accounts. I am able to do this on the Mac side with Chrome Managed Browsers to prevent personal accounts from logging in to Chrome. Is there any way similar to this to accomplish this on the iOS side with Google Workplace or Jamf Pro? I believe I've seen that the school district does something similar on my son's school iPad, so I believe it's possible.

Thanks all!


New Contributor

Did you ever figure this out? I need to do the exact same thing and have there does not appear a way to do this with any apps other than Chrome