Jamf Pro 10.7.1 Beta Now Available!

Contributor III
Contributor III

The Jamf Pro 10.7.1 beta provides additional compatibility with the macOS Mojave beta operating systems so your organization can test workflows with confidence before these new operating systems ship. This release provides compatibility and support for the upcoming operating systems, offers new management functionality, and fixes various bugs. Here’s a summary of what’s new:

Compatibility for macOS Mojave 10.14
- Enrollment and inventory reporting Configuration profiles
- App distribution
- Self Service installation
- Self Service launches and connections App distribution via Self Service Policies
- Restricted software
Note: macOS 10.14 computers with the Apple T2 chip cannot be imaged due to Secure Boot updates.

New management features in macOS Mojave In addition to compatibility, you can take advantage of new management functionality in this release including a security setting to automatically install a Privacy Preference Policy Control profile to allow necessary access to essential management activities in the Jamf management framework. You can also install a Privacy Preference Policy Control profile by uploading an unsigned .mobileconfig using the Jamf Pro web app interface or the classic API.

How to Join
If you would like to participate in the beta program, please enroll in the 10.7.0 release at the beta homepage on Jamf Nation under My Assets. After enrollment, please reference our Beta Release Notes for the download link and a complete listing of what is included in the beta build. Remember, this is a beta release. We strongly encourage that you not install this software in a production environment.

As always, the beta program is operated under non-disclosure, so please do not share any information regarding your testing in any public forum including the non-beta sections of Jamf Nation. Use the Jamf Nation Beta forums or contact Jamf with any questions regarding the beta.

Thank you to all those who participate in the program.


Esteemed Contributor III

This is awesome news...we need 10.7.1 for the PPPCP stuff (or whatever acronym it is).


New Contributor III

Nice for PPPCP feature!
Will it be released before 10.14 official release?

Contributor III


I hope so, JAMF always say they are day 0 ready and JAMF10.7 was not Mojave ready:

"Compatibility with macOS 10.14 will be provided in an upcoming release of Jamf Pro."

Although above for the 10.7.1 beta JAMF state "Jamf Pro 10.7.1 beta provides additional compatibility with the macOS Mojave" how can it be additional as it clearly stated compatibility for Mojave will be added later.

Seems JAMF getting themselves a bit confused here.

Valued Contributor III


10.7.0 fixed a few issues with Mojave but not all issues, 10.7.1 will provide more compatibility and will support Mojave, but still not all new Mojave features will be supported as Apple made a massive change in the middle of the Mojave beta program. Also Jamf has their own "road map" of features that they want to add that might take a priority over supporting Apple features. IMO