Jamf Pro 11 Dark Mode Issues

New Contributor III

Has anyone else been experiencing issues with dark mode in Jamf Pro 11? I've noticed for a while that sometimes when I go to Policies, they all load in white at first:

Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 9.52.12 AM.png

Yesterday, I noticed while it was loading everything that I could see the plus to create a new policy. Since that's what I was there for, that's what I did. Then, this happened: 

Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 9.52.18 AM.png

Policies nested inside Policies. I tried duplicating this, and it seems like I only see this after I get a session timeout notification. If I extended it or let it expire and go back, I see this issue. 


Valued Contributor II

yup.. seeing the white screen, without the CSS, thus time roman fonts etc.. then CSS loads.. not see before.. clunky.. 

New Contributor III

Same happening to me