Jamf Pro 11 Dark Mode?


Not really sure what the point of having a pure white and blinding GUI is but I can't seem to find where to turn on Dark Mode with the new v11 update.

Also find the new GUI to be very difficult to use with everything looking the exact same. 


Valued Contributor III

Contributor II

I agree. Big miss on QOL for Jamf Admins with this update and no dark mode or theme options. 

New Contributor II

I also find the new interface to be difficult to use with no perceived benefit.  my dashboard view has so much wasted space with useless information.


Would 10 of 10 like to have a button to switch back

New Contributor II

Commenting here to agree. We need a dark mode option.

New Contributor

Agreed, must have DARK MODE!! The new GUI is harmful to my eyes. 

New Contributor

Jamf Pro 11 Hurts my eyes! 😎

New Contributor II

Don't be like Microsoft, don't make us suffer unnecessarily. My poor eyes are burning!! 

New Contributor II

Oh come on JAMF Devs....a new release without dark mode built-in already? Now I have to either wait for you to fix this or write my own theme and inject it with stylus. Ugh....total failure to not include this from day one. 

New Contributor III

Dark Reader works well, for now

New Contributor II

Yep this is what I went back too as my Stylus css was no longer working either. As long as I have dark mode is all that matter. 

Legendary Contributor III

I wish this were the case, but for me at least, using the Dark Reader extension, the entire sidebar vanishes. It's there and can be clicked on, but it's not visible at all. As soon as I toggle the Dark Reader item off, the sidebar reappears in all it's blinding white glory.

Seems like this dark mode needs to come from Jamf. Why this wasn't included in the initial release of 11.x I don't know. I mean, did Jamf just forget that there was an old feature request from several years back already asking for a dark mode UI? It sure seems like that was forgotten.

New Contributor

Are the dev's coding on the beach with a beer in their hands? How can you not have dark mode by default today...now i have to leave my basement and go outside just to be able to stand looking at the JAMF dashboard without burning my eyes out...

New Contributor II

If you're using Chrome you can enforce browser-wide dark mode with `chrome://flags/#enable-force-dark` 

It's a little bit janky but it is a dramatic improvement over the blinding doom of the Jamf Pro 11 interface/

New Contributor II

Also super interested in native dark mode!

New Contributor II

Oh also: remember to vote for Dark Mode in ideas — https://ideas.jamf.com/ideas/JN-I-15903

New Contributor

+1 Dark Mode
I logged in today and was blinded. Everything is harder to see.

New Contributor

please do DM, My eye's can't take it very long.


It's coming :)




Legendary Contributor III

That’s excellent news! Thanks for sharing that @Jay_007 


Legendary Contributor III

You'll need to sign up with the beta testing for Jamf Pro for that information. That's all we're allowed to say here in the public forum.

Valued Contributor

Thank God I can look at JAMF without getting a scorching migraine. The white and blue are border line torture.

New Contributor

Found a suitable dark mode extension that displays MOST of the Jamf Interface properly. 


New Contributor

Absolutely, I need contrast, its distracting having it all white and blah. Bring Dark mode back please!

New Contributor III

One way I am currently able to have Jamf Pro in dark mode is using the Opera GX browser which has a toggle switch to toggle on dark mode. If you don't want dark mode on everything, you can just put the URL for your Jamf Pro instance under the "enable" section for dark mode, then only Jamf Pro will run dark mode. Works for now



New Contributor

I have my system settings (Windows 11) set to dark. Then in chrome, I went to "chrome://flags", searched for dark mode, then selected "Enabled" to enable dark mode on web pages. This allows JAMF Pro 11 to be viewed in dark mode at all times. This is a work around, but it works for me. Hope this helps someone. It would be best if JAMF would make this an option. Oh well.

New Contributor

I don't like the new design, and without dark mode i start to hate my job now

New Contributor III

Dark mode should be available in 11.2 beta:

You can access this setting by navigating to Account settings > Account preferences > Interface preferences > Theme. but I cannot find Account Settings, let alone the steps underneath 😞

Found it!
