JAMF Pro, O365, And Shared Account Password

New Contributor

First time poster, looking for any help/direction.

I have shared iOS devices that have a general use email account. I had everything set up using profiles and Exchange Active Sync with no issues. Username, Server, Password was auto installed on each device.

We have recently moved to O365 and I'm unsure how, or if I'm able, to add a password to the email profile using either native iOS Mail or the Outlook app.

For iOS Native Mail, is it as simple as changing the server URL?

For the Outlook app I found a String parameter that will grab the email address from the device's User & Location Tab, but nothing for the password.

Thanks in advanced!


Esteemed Contributor

We use Intune for iOS, and JAMF for macOS. So I do not have direct experience with this. However, on the macOS side it is not possible to prefill the password for the user. Poking around on the Internet and everything I am seeing says the user needs to provide their password which makes sense with the way identity management is going.


O365, iOS and Jamf: Best login ever | Blog | Jamf

Auto_Config_O365_Mail.pdf (hcsonline.com)