Jamf Pro using SSO with 365 - JAMF Teacher / Classroom

New Contributor II

We have a Jamf Pro cloud set up to use entra 365 SSO for authentication. I would like to use the Teacher App to set up classes and students and potentially Apple Classroom - any advice before I get started ? 


New Contributor

@lensteruk wrote: 

We have a Jamf Pro cloud set up to use entra 365 SSO for authentication. I would like to use the Teacher App to set up classes and students and potentially Apple Classroom - any advice before I get started ? usps tracking

I can advice to setting up classes and students in the Jamf Pro Teacher App and potentially using Apple Classroom involves several steps as of my some bit of knowledge about JP.
  1. Data Management: One of the biggest components of setting up Apple Classroom with Jamf Pro is the management of data3. How you manage this data and how you sync all of the components determines how successful the implementation and management will be.
  2. Matching Apple School Manager to Jamf Pro: One of the biggest areas where this is likely to go wrong is how you match the criteria for importing users from your Apple School Manager into Jamf Pro. This is the criteria to use to match Apple School Manager user information with existing user information in Jamf Pro when importing users.
  3. Mismatched Data: Mismatched data happens when the matching criteria are not met. In this case, you need to review the matching criteria and adjust as necessary.
  4. Classes and Lessons: When integrated with Jamf Pro, Jamf Teacher allows teachers to manage student devices in the classroom using the classes and lessons features. Classes are groups of students assigned to a teacher that the teacher can manage. Lessons allow teachers to configure which apps, websites, resources, and built-in apps students can use during lessons.
  5. Requirements: You will need to ensure that you have followed Apple’s guide to Classroom requirements. Classes must sync student and teacher data with Apple School Manager. Data management is key.
Note: Remember, these are just guidelines and might not work for everyone.
I hope this may help you a bit