Jamf Remote Assist - broke Outlook?

New Contributor


A couple of days ago I checked the "Jamf Remote Assist" checkbox in settings->security and was looking forward to finally have remote support in Jamf again, but then I ran into a pretty strange problem. After the Jamf Remote Assist PPPC was pushed to all Macs (no scope, just on or off) we are having strange issues with Outlook (16.x versions). We need to push "send and receive" in order to get mails. Normally the mails would pop up as soon as you receive them, but no more. It seems something is blocking the incoming mails?. Could this be a firewall thing?. I tried to get some answers from Jamf regarding what exactly happens when you check "Jamf Remote Assist" but so far no luck.

Any advice? After I deselected Jamf Remote Assist, any new machines that I enroll works fine, but now I have 90 machines that doesn't :-( 



New Contributor III

Are you using the Legacy Outlook UI? If so, there is currently an Advisory from Microsoft regarding this exact issue. If you have access to your Microsoft Admin portal, check this link, https://portal.office.com/adminportal/home?#/servicehealth/:/alerts/EX698071. Also check this thread if you're part of the MacAdmins Slack Channel, https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/C0LAD22PL/p1702487560573299

New Contributor

Amazing @ssoun

I seems this actually was my problem!. I talked to MS om the 14. and they didn't seem to know about the issue at that time. What a coincidence it happened a the exact same time I enabled "Jamf Remote Assist" ..  no wonder Jamf had a tough time understanding why I had the problem. Thank you for your help.

Best regards
