JamfAAD, Intune and Company Portal Issues


Hi Everyone,


My default browser right now is Chrome. but I don't have a problem with that. However, the following screen appears in some of the users I have installed Company Portal. When it approves this, it redirects to a page and asks the user to login to Microsoft. This happens randomly and is very disturbing for us. Does anyone know why this is happening and how to fix it?


MicrosoftTeams-image (14).png



Contributor II

Registered devices need to re-register periodically, this happens on Windows as well


Are you sure it works this way? Because there is no such warning on Windows devices. This message randomly pops up on MacOS devices and users say it's very annoying. Is there no way to do this without seeing the user in the background? Is there an official document that talks about this situation you are talking about?

Contributor II

Yes, 100% certain. The time frame between re-registrations is dictated by your Azure/InTune conditional access rules. You don't see it in Windows due to the tighter integration within the Windows OS but it does happen.

Speak to your Azure Admin or the person who configured your access rules for macOS for more information


Have you used such a structure in your environment? In my environment, especially my managers are very uncomfortable with this. It is very difficult to find resources on the subject. Both Jamf Pro and Microsoft failed to give me a convincing answer.

If there is this in your environment, have you made a statement to users about these messages?

Yes and Yes.

Device registration and Conditional Access is security related so this is best discussed internally at your organisation with your security team

Thanks a lot for your valuable support.