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02:58 PM
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a week ago
I'm working on setting up a post-DEP workflow, and i'd like to use jamfHelper's fullscreenIcon flag to overlay the screen with a series of images detailing to the user what is happening. When I invoke the command in my script, it blacks out the screen, but my image is nowhere to be seen. I've pasted my code below, any thoughts on why this isn't working? am I asking too much of jamfHelper?
/Library/Application Support/JAMF/bin/ -windowType fs -icon /path/to/file/progress.png -fullscreenIcon &
Edit: I want to add that I was able to successfully run this command on the computer locally, and the image showed successfully, but was nowhere near fullscreen. does the -fullscreenIcon flag actually work? or does it work differently than I'm assuming it should?
Posted on 11-05-2016 04:02 PM
It's been a while since I last fooled with this, but doesn't jamfhelper want an .icns file?
If you need to quickly generate an .icns file to test, try something I wrote a while back here
Posted on 11-06-2016 01:10 AM
We use the jamfHelper for post DEP app installation. The icon can be in any format. We use a png file placed in the Application Support folder. Here is our jamfHelper command:
/Library/Application Support/JAMF/bin/ -windowType fs -heading "Initial Setup In Progress" -description "Your computer is currently installing software and will take up to 10 minutes to complete
Do not turn off your computer during this time" -icon /Library/Application Support/TempFiles/dep_logo.png &
The heading is at the top of the screen, description at the bottom and the icon in the middle. The layout is like the Casper Imaging screen!
Hope that helps!
Posted on 11-08-2016 04:57 AM
@stevevalle , thanks for the input, but what i'm looking to do is have a full screen splash screen, using the image specified in the command, which I assume the -fullscreenIcon flag should allow me to do, but i'm guessing at this point that it doesn't work that way.