JAMFNation Scrolling

Contributor III

Anyone else having an issue with JAMFNation no longer scrolling to older discussions?


Honored Contributor

Not now, but I've seen that on and off.
I use Safari most of the time.

Legendary Contributor III

Have been seeing it off and on over the last couple of days. I wasn't seeing it yesterday, but am seeing it today again.

Contributor III

I turned it off and on again and now it is working. Thanks IT Crowd for showing me the way.

Legendary Contributor III

Uhm, turned what off? Your browser? Your Mac? JAMFNation?? ;-)

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hey everyone!

We updated JAMF Nation over the weekend, and it looks like some browsers were loading an older version of a javascript file from the browser's cache.

The issue should be resolved now, but let us know if you are still seeing it!


Legendary Contributor III

@michael.abbott - Looks good now! I also noticed the site is loading significantly faster than before. I assume I was getting some of that outdated javascript stuff loaded, which was causing it to be sluggish. Its speedy again. Thanks!

Contributor III

I just pushed "the button".

The whole internet went down, then came back up when I pushed it the second time.

Legendary Contributor III

Awesome! Thanks for rebooting the Internet for us. It probably really needed it :-)

Valued Contributor

It's never been a problem for me in Chrome :)

New Contributor II

I have not been getting my Daily Digest since the Weekend Update. Thought at first perhaps everyone was away at WWDC.
I went into my profile email prefs yesterday and turned off, then back on, the setting - but so far no change.

Contributor II

I'm seeing this right now with Firefox 39.x. But it works fine in Safari. Maybe I'll do the version 40 upgrade on FireFox to see if it fixes that.

Contributor II

Actually a quit and relaunch of Firefox fixed the issue. But I have been seeing this off and on for a few days. Must be some Firefox oddity.