Posted on 09-27-2013 12:30 PM
Hey all,
I'm trying to use the JSS computer importer to update the "Asset tag" field in the JSS.
What seems to be unclear to me is the fields in the CSV file. I have read on a different thread that the required fields...
Second, the only columns that actually MUST to be filled in in addition to MAC Address and Computer Name are the first and last, and there must be exactly 24 (columns A - X) even if all the others are blank. Any more or less will cause an error on import. Check that as well, but as I said, the capital TRUE/FALSE words are likely your culprit. EDIT: Actually I think its just the last column (OS Maintenance Expires) that must be filled in, not the first, but I can't check that right now.
So that would make it the "Asset Tag", "Computer Name", "Mac Address", and "OS Maintance Expires". I have tried two formats for the date... "2015/06/01" and "6/1/2015" and yet the tool does not update the information I need.
What am I missing here?
When I use the cocoa version on the Mac, it returns "successful" and on the Windows, .net, it returns an error "POST Failed: ....failed to add to JSS. Please check fields with dates for correct format and the Dept and Buildings Field.
I left the building and dept blank, could that cause it to fail?
Thanks in advance!
Posted on 09-27-2013 09:10 PM
Dates need to be entered in the form: YYYY-MM-DD
Building and dept being blank shouldn't cause a failure. Something like the following should work.
Asset Tag,Platform,Computer Name,Make,Model,MAC Address,Serial Number,Username,Phone,Real Name,Department,Building,Email Address,Position,Room,Purchased,Leased,PO Number,PO Date,Warranty Expiration Date,AppleCare ID,Lease Expires,OS AppleCare ID,OS Maintenance Expires
Posted on 09-30-2013 06:36 AM
Hi Leslie,
Thanks for your help.
I have my CSV file as...
Still doesn't work. I have tried with the header but still no go.
Figured out what it was. My MAC Address format was incorrect. It wanted a "." and not ":".
Somehow I looked past that when I was comparing to your example and the example.csv.
Thanks for you help!