Keep stolen devices in JMAF without consuming a license

New Contributor II


We run a fleet of about 220 iPads managed using JAMF. JAMF is our MDM but also acts as a device inventory. We have have had about 5 or 6 devices stolen so far, the number will inevitably increase. After 3 months has passed with no signal from the devices we assume they are gone for good. I'd like to be able to retain the inventory record for those stolen devices in JAMF without consuming a device license. We don't want to manage them using the MDM anymore just know that we previously owned these devices and they were stolen soas to keep a full record of all devices. Currently I'm doing this in a spreadsheet. Any suggestions? Is this possible?


Valued Contributor

Mark it as "unmanaged" and it shouldn't require a license (IIRC). We do this for a preset time period when we retire a machine just to maintain compliance with log retention records - just edit the computer record under the "General" tab, and uncheck the "Allow Jamf Pro to perform management tasks" box. Record stays in inventory, but with no further policy being applied to it. I believe that this frees up the license, but you should confirm with your JAMF Buddy to be sure.

New Contributor II

Taylor, Your suggestion worked perfectly for me. I honestly don't know why I haven't tried this years ago. I've been keeping an exported spreadsheet for some recorded of assets that have cycled out of management.

This tip will save me the hassle of data being in two places. Thanks! .... and thanks to aswain for bringing up the topic. Love this forum!

Valued Contributor

Happy to help! As I said, we do it just to satisfy some regulatory requirements for log retention, but was 99% sure that we weren't paying for a license for anything not "under management". Glad it helped someone out.

New Contributor II

Hi. Thanks for the responses. I have an extension to the question - keeping track of destroyed or non-responsive iPads. We have a few that have been run over by a vehicle (yes really). So they are completely dead and won't respond to an un-enroll (or any other ) command from JAMF. Strangely many of our stolen iPads are never powered on again so are in the same situation. I'd like to be able to have a record of them so we can fully account for all iPads we have ever purchased into the fleet. If they won't respond to a management command it seems the only other option is to delete the device record? Is there a way to un-manage a dead device?

New Contributor II

I have raised a feature request for this:

Valued Contributor

I do the same for stolen, lost, or decommissioned hardware. I also edit the name of the device to have (Lost) (Stolen) or (Shelved), so I can easily find and export a list of equipment that matches these suffixes.

US_Damien_Barrett (Lost)
MS_John_Smith (Stolen)
PS_Steve_Jobs (Shelved)

Hope this helps.