Posted on 05-20-2016 10:53 AM
I'm using Composer to create a pushable package for Audacity and trying to install the LAME MP3 library with it.
For some reason, even though the library installs to the correct location (/usr/local/lib/) it's not automatically recognized in the application preferences. I've tried installing it along with Audacity as part of a single .pkg, creating a separate .pkg for just the plugin to install after Audacity, etc.
Has anyone else seen this or found a way to automate the process so that endusers don't need to manually change the preferences and "Locate" the library in order to have Audacity find it?
Posted on 05-20-2016 11:07 AM
You are right, this very painful to do, and I've never actually found a method that works consistently. I come from a music background and have found that Amadeus has a very competitive site license cost ($660.00) and it is far easier to deploy, and has a better range of features with a UI very close to Audacity. ( ). Sorry, I know that doesn't answer your question.
Posted on 05-20-2016 11:12 AM
It's a permissions issue, or at least what i've found in the past. Unlock the permission for that library and problem solved. It's usually owned by like root or some admin with like 700 permissions. I pushed a script for post-install to do that.
Posted on 05-20-2016 10:27 PM
@boberito is correct!!
Changing the permission on the folder will make it work!
Posted on 08-05-2016 02:12 PM
I am having the Same or Similar problem. When I install Audacity and then the Lame file whenever another user logs in they can't access the Lame file to export a MP3. I tried using composer to take a snapshot and created a dmg file. Then we set the file permissions so everyone can read and write to the folder (777). However when I run the result I am still getting the 'Could not open MP3 encoding library'.
Any suggestions?
Never mind, found the problem. It looks like the permissions didn't propagate properly to one of the folders, will go back and redo my snapshot.
Posted on 08-08-2016 12:08 PM
Don't use Composer snapshots. They simply don't work.
I use Packages to create my Audacity installer, including LAME library.
I use a second package to deploy config file settings - we don't tend to use Audacity on shared Macs. In all likelihood, this could be used in the same install package, but this does give us the option to use this separately in Self Service or as a login script using outset if needed
Postinstall script:
# Determine working directory
install_dir=$(dirname $0)
# Determine logged in user
loggedinuser=$(stat -f%Su /dev/console)
# Install profile
/bin/mkdir -p /Users/$loggedinuser/Library/Application Support/audacity
echo [GUI] > /Users/$loggedinuser/Library/Application Support/audacity/audacity.cfg
echo ShowSplashScreen=0 >> /Users/$loggedinuser/Library/Application Support/audacity/audacity.cfg
echo [MP3] >> /Users/$loggedinuser/Library/Application Support/audacity/audacity.cfg
echo MP3LibPath=/Users/Shared/libmp3lame.dylib >> /Users/$loggedinuser/Library/Application Support/audacity/audacity.cfg
Posted on 08-16-2016 06:53 AM
Here's the command you need. I run this in the policy as a Files and Processes payload. Audacity has a priority of 10 and the LAME package has 11. Works perfectly.
chmod a+rwx /usr/local/lib