Latest DATs appear to break SCEP

Valued Contributor

Is anyone seeing issues with Microsoft SCEP not functioning correctly?

As far as I can tell it's fine until you let it install the latest DAT updates. Once it's done that it will just start producing random crash reports, the green taskbar icon will vanish and it will add lots of log entries claiming that the scep_daemon cannot be initialized.


Valued Contributor

Tracked this down a dodgy dat file that when replaced stopped it from crashing. I can only blame Microsoft for this...

New Contributor III

I'm seeing the same -- looks like it started about a week ago. @allanp81 -- can you provide specifics on this dat file?

Valued Contributor

The dodgy dat appears to be em002_32.dat located in /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/scep/modules

I noticed that on a broken machine it was ~43Mb whereas on a working machine it was about ~48Mb so I copied this dat to a broken machine and then stopped and restarted the and it seems to instantly fix it.

We have a mixture of 10.10.x and 10.11.x machines with different versions of scep and it appears to have broken most of them so I'll be rolling out a policy to just copy down the new file and restart the daemon on login most likely.

New Contributor III

Nice, worked perfectly for me. Thanks!

Valued Contributor

Awesome, good to hear it sorted it for you.

How are you pushing out your fix to all of your clients? I couldn't easily tell what was working and what wasn't as we have about 600 macs so I wrote the following script and pushed out as a once a day policy to all computers:

#checks whether scep is running and if not, fixes it

if ( ps axco pid,command | grep scep_ctl )
        echo "Scep is running, nothing needs doing"
        echo "Scep not running, must be broken so reinstalling"
            echo "Killing System Center Endpoint Protection if running"
                ps axco pid,command | grep scep_gui | awk '{ print$1; }' | xargs kill -9
                sleep 3
            echo "Removing and reinstalling the app then running it"
                mkdir /Volumes/scep/
                mount -t smbfs //my.path /Volumes/scep
                echo "Copying dat file over"
                cp /Volumes/scep/em002_32.dat /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/scep/modules
                echo "Set owner to root"
                chown root:wheel /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/scep/modules/em002_32.dat
                echo "Stopping scep daemon and waiting 5 seconds to confirm stopped"
                launchctl stop
                sleep 5
                echo "Restarting daemon"
                launchctl start
                umount /Volumes/scep

New Contributor III

This may come in useful, thanks. But I've found that anything that has a def date of October seems to have missed the bad update. So luckily, I only had a handful to fix. Still, knowing this will likely happen again, I suspect the script will be used at some point!