Posted on
01:08 AM
- last edited
a week ago
I have a of question regarding VPP and self service.
We're using self service to deploy a lot of the applications to our users but I've noticed that this seems to be an either or scenario when it comes to using VPP.
If I deploy apps with VPP through invitation, I have to assign it to the users Apple ID to deploy the application. In the JSS there's something called: "Mac app Store Apps" where I can deploy applications from the App Store with Self Service.
I've done some testing and I've noticed that if I enable an app through "Mac App Store Apps" and it is assigned to a users Apple ID through VPP it wont figure out that it's an VPP assigned app and will prompt to purchase instead of installing, either that or self-service will crash.
I wonder if there's a reliable way of getting it to understand that: "Hey, this app is assigned to me through VPP" and just install it if you click the self service link? If that's not possible at the moment I'll create a feature request for it.
The main reason for me wanting to do this is that it's counter intuitive to use both App Store and Self-Service. It's either or. I'd prefer to just use self-service but to leverage the VPP through it.
Posted on 02-02-2015 07:26 AM
Looks like /url">@brysontyrrell][/url has been working on something: [Managed VPP via Self Service
Posted on 02-02-2015 09:14 AM
Agree'd, I have mentioned to both JAMF and our Apple rep how it would be nice to have VPP 2.0 managed distribution apps be deployable through self service in a manner similar to VPP 1.0 (codes). Easily, not requiring a whole mess of API engineering.
Posted on 02-19-2015 06:41 PM
This would be super nice. I've been thinking the answer could be adding custom url's to the desired app within Self Service, but it appears that Self Service plug-ins are only available on the Mac.
Posted on 01-08-2016 06:25 AM
Has this been solved yet? It would be great to have the ability to install VPP purchased apps using Self Service. We are using Casper 9.6 over here and i'm hoping newer Casper and updated Apple api will allow for something closer to Apple Configurator 2 where you can install apps using the Vpp Apple ID.