~/Library/CloudStorage given ownership to Jamf Service account.

Valued Contributor II
Greetings all. Recently we started encountering an odd issue with our OneDrive deployment. Up until the last few weeks of last year, OD had been fairly stable, but we started getting a few tickets of “OneDrive won’t start” or similar issues.  Running the nested ResetOneDriveAppStandalone.command usually fixed it, however when I started digging into it, I started encountering a very strange issue. The OneDrive directory created in the CloudStorage path is being given ownership to our Jamf service account.
EdC@TestBox ~ % ls -la ~/Library | grep Cloud
drwxr-xr-x    3 JAMFAdmin  staff    96 Mar 31  2022 CloudStorage
I’ve started working backwards through various types of testing. First building a box and not installing OneDrive - nope, still does it. Next was removing my KnownFolderMove profile - Nope.  At this point, I can’t find what is causing the creation of our CloudStorage path, but once I do, I suspect that’ll be why it’s getting ownership from our Service Account.  Has anyone else encountered similar issues?