Linux deployment

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Dear all,

have you ever tried to deploy Linux image back to a mac ? What do you use to make the image of the linux partition?

Would "dd" be too slow for 40 machines to be deployed at the same time on a 1Gpbs network enviroment?

My main goal is to have iMacs for courses and forget about the pc's. So basically I would have them all with a triple boot (Mac, windows and linux) and then redeploy the windows (via winclone) or Linux (via dd??) images using casper policies (and various scripts) so I can redeploy the latest up to day images of both systems

For windows I have no problem, the scrips inside Winclone are doing the job,but for linux I think ""dd" could be a little bit too much (since it copies sector by sector, even empty sectors).

Thanks in advance

Carmelo Lopez Portilla

ITS EMBL Heidelberg

email: lopez at