Local System V Printer

New Contributor

I am encountering an issue when mapping printers to various staff computers. There is no rhyme or reason for the type of printer or staff member or building.

I have mapped various printers for different buildings, most have been mapping correctly. However, a few printers have started to show up as "Local System V Printer" instead of the actual driver specified and packaged from Canon.

I have printers where we have mapped out different drivers, one Color and one Black/White- all in the same policy. One printer will show a driver correctly, one will show as Local System V Printer.


Anyone encounter this before and does anyone know if there is a way to connect the driver to the printer without having to go to each printer to map them correctly?


Valued Contributor

I have seen this before. What I did was just clone the trouble printer in the JAMF Pro and install that one; that one worked. Then I just deleted the trouble printer and updated any policies to reflect the new printer.