Posted on 08-16-2012 07:33 PM
Location information is being reset to blank values when imaging with 8.6 or applying a quickadd package to a machine that is already in the inventory. Has anyone else noticed this, or know of a way to disable the location information being reset?
Posted on 08-17-2012 05:17 AM
I'm having the same Issue
Posted on 08-22-2012 04:28 AM
Ditto… However, it changes "building" to a real value, but a different one than the one I had already given it.
Posted on 08-22-2012 08:39 PM
I am seeing the same problem and have not been able to track down a fix or a workaround for it yet.
Anyone else figure out how to get around this problem?
Edit: I'm also seeing this happen when a machine updates its inventory.
Posted on 08-22-2012 09:51 PM
Version 8.6 released a new feature that will do an LDAP lookup with every inventory submission. With environments that utilize LDAP, this helps keep continuity between what is in LDAP and what is listed in the JSS (e.g. an end user changes departments, or a new phone number, etc).
We can turn off this functionality by going to Settings->Inventory options->Inventory Collection Preferences->Location and unchecking the box there.
Does that change the behavior you're seeing?
Posted on 08-23-2012 06:53 AM
I've been playing a bit since I first saw this problem. It seems like the jamf enroll command is removing all information from the JSS, then reapplying it. In my case, the network segment has multiple types of machines in it, so there is no default department to use when repopulating the location information.
Is there any specific reason why the enroll command removes this information and is it something that can be changed?
Posted on 08-23-2012 08:17 AM
Hello Mr. Miller!
Unfortunately not, the box was already unchecked…
Good find with the enroll command, Mr. Scott.
Posted on 08-23-2012 03:01 PM
Same issue with jamf enroll. I find it happens only on certain subnets here. I double checked our JSS and none of our defined network segments have any defaults regarding building or position and the override box is unchecked. Really strange issue.
Posted on 08-28-2012 02:29 PM
You might like to vote this one up then:
Posted on 09-04-2012 01:07 AM
Posted on 09-04-2012 05:09 AM
Why the bump? It's a known issue, non-issue, meaning the enroll command is doing what it was designed by JAMF to do. However, it's doing what it is designed to do at times others don't want it to do what it's suppose to do. I was never told a defect ID because it was both a defect and not a defect. It was the most bizarre thing. =D
Posted on 09-04-2012 08:04 AM
The bump was because Mr. John Miller asked us to check a thing that might solve the "problem", but it did not, at least not in our case. Also, it seems quite odd that it doesn't happen on all subnets, just like bajones says…
And I did vote on the above link. ;)
Posted on 09-06-2012 01:17 PM
I have noticed that with 8.6, it is resetting the Location information and the PO Date back to N/A.
I voted up on your feature request.