Log in screen for Macbook Pro with touch bar not working

New Contributor

Hi Guys.

Our Teacher is having issue with there Macbook pro with touch bar. When restarting the computer normally, They get a login screen with no fields to fill in for username and password. They get a message saying that finger print sign in is disabled on start. They are unable to make key presses or change the screen.

And the only solution that we get is go to recovery mode from the recovery mode we need to restart the machine and then it will be back to normal we can see the username and password. We even tried the updated OS.

Here is the picture that has no fields to fill in.

We are having issue with the Macbook that has a touch bar.


Valued Contributor

Try running

xartutil --erase-all

from Recovery to reset Touch ID

New Contributor


Thanks Chris, Everytime this happen we need to run that command? or only one time after that it will work fine now? Its really a random thing when we restart the machine some time it will happen.

Valued Contributor

Just once. It will remove all saved fingerprints.
After that you can add fingerprints to Touch ID again, and hopefully it'll work.