Posted on 06-14-2013 06:25 AM
Can somebody please help me to understand why 2 of the same hardware and software machines would give 2 different results. these were both imaged and bound to an ad with casper imaging but look 2 different ways. One uses the profile picture (which is the way we want it) and the other uses the login and password with no login picture. See attached photo.external image link
Posted on 06-14-2013 06:42 AM
Hi dmeridth,
Is the login window preference set using MCX? or Profiles?
Have either been logged in before? (and someone possibly manually change the preference?)
What happens if you just login and logout of both machines?
I only ask as I've had a few times where login window Preferences from Configuration Profiles and / or MCXs (such as login window messages) don't apply until after a login.
Posted on 06-14-2013 06:50 AM
I am very new to this and Im trying to find the best way to make the machine use the picture to have the teachers login where in casper can I set that? The settings are not managed.
Posted on 06-14-2013 07:11 AM
I can't see but are the clocks set identically? A mismatch between the computer and the rest of your network can do odd things.
Posted on 06-14-2013 07:30 AM
So the two machines were both imaged via Casper Imaging. Did they use precisely the same configuration? If so, and the clocks are set OK, as franton notes, you'll want to have a look in your JSS at Management > Managed Preferences and Management > Configuration Profiles. Check if there's any management scoped to either machine. This is also where you can create managed preferences like the one you want to apply.
Now, there is sort of a great divide at the moment. Configuration Profiles are 10.7+. Managed Preferences (MCX) work with 10.5+ (including 10.8), but Apple has deprecated them. They still seem to work, but their usage is being phased out (ie, who knows about 10.8.5, let alone 10.9).
You say you're new (to IT, to Casper, to your company?), so you may want to bounce this off someone else there and have a look at what OSes are used in your environment. Whether you choose Config Profiles or MCX, there are plenty of resources around for applying any particular setting you want applied.
All that being said, if this is pretty much the only setting you're worried about, you can build it into your base OS image.
Let us know your thoughts and findings.
Posted on 06-17-2013 11:43 AM
In our environment, when binding a computer to AD, the login window display changes to "Name and Password". (We've just come to accept this.) Without binding, it defaults to the "List of users" display.
That being said, if we have a building that prefers one login window display over another, we'll include a package with the preferred preference set. (a modified plist: /Library/Preferences/ We set the "package option" to "This package must be installed to the boot volume at imaging time". We do this because the modified plist needs to be installed after the AD binding takes place. The display could also be changed with a simple script that would run at reboot like:
defaults write /Library/Preferences/ SHOWFULLNAME -boolean YES
defaults write /Library/Preferences/ SHOWFULLNAME -boolean No
I'm sure there are other options too.
Though I'm not able to tell you why the display window changes when binding to AD, I hope my explanation will give you an idea on how to remedy the problem.
Posted on 06-17-2013 04:36 PM
This setting can also be set using a Configuration Profile. In the Login Window payload, set Style to List of users able to use these computers.