Looking for a inventory management that integrates with Jamf and Zendesk.

New Contributor

I researched a few companies that integrates well with Jamf and ZenDesk. 

  • RefTab
  • Zluri
  • OnetoOne

If any have any other suggestion to help better my work flow through out the day. Ideally we would use this system to also track our other devices such as chargers or etc. 


Esteemed Contributor

This seems like an oddly specific ask that would fall under Enterprise Asset Management. I would suggest reaching out to your MSP for suggestions and will likely require a very specific tool to meet your needs.


We use Service Now to track assets such as Computers, Mobile Devices and Printers. Service now gathers the data via API from the various management consoles. 


Are you planning on printing out asset tags for random things like chargers and entering them in to inventory and seeing who has what, or is this more of a thing to have a general idea of how much of a given thing you have on hand?

We plan to use it track to see who has what.