Looking for best practices for Zero Touch Deployments


Hi everyone,

We are moving towards the Zero Touch Deployment in our organisation. We're using Okta as IDP and would be using Jamf Connect as the authentication mechanism for enrolments and computer logins.

We currently have quite a number of steps that we have to do manually when setting up a new laptop, so first we'd like to automate those steps and then finally add Jamf Connect as the authentication method for Jamf computer binding.

What are looking for best case examples of other companies with similar setups (if possible) and how they've achieved zero touch deployment.



Valued Contributor II

Download depnotify - https://gitlab.com/Mactroll/DEPNotify#download - we have a script to use in conjunction with that here: https://github.com/Rocketman-Tech/Onboarding-With-DEPNotify.


Basic Workflow

  • Create Zero Touch Category
  • Create Smart Group for Zero Touch Computers / Testing & scope all policies to this group (I usually just set the criteria to an enrolled after date, this encapsulates ADE + Self Enroll, but using a smart group to scope adds flexibility on the fly)

Policy 1 - Triggered to run when enrolled

1. Script: Install Rosetta (Runs Before all other actions)

2. Package: Install depNotify

3. Package: Install jamf connect (When you're ready)

4. Script: run our Onboard script

Policy 2 - your choice, set trigger to recurring check-in, Custom Event Trigger, run once per computer & add custom event trigger to our onboarding script

Policy 3 - your choice, set trigger to recurring check-in, Custom Event Trigger, run once per computer & add custom event trigger to our onboarding script

Policy 4 - your choice, set trigger to recurring check-in, Custom Event Trigger, run once per computer & add custom event trigger to our onboarding script

etc. etc.


 @JureJerebic Check out our video on How to Setup Zero Touch Provisioning Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeCpwWKof8s

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Thanks. I notice that you don't set an admin account. Our users aren't admins, but we do need at least one admin account on the computer (with the secure token enabled). How would this work?


@Hugonaut bump