Mac App Store App Push & and Self Service?

New Contributor III

Is there a way to have an app from the Mac App Store push automatically as well as appear in Self Service? I only see where you can do one or other other, but not both.

I'd like to be able to push GarageBand automatically, but also have it in Self Service in the case that it either didn't push, or simply just needs to be reinstalled for whatever reason.


Contributor III

Hi @cscsit

We had an issue where i wanted to achieve the opposite of what you need, i was setting VPP apps as install Automatically only but they were also showing up in Self Service which i did not want.

What we found was if there was a category assigned it would also show up in Self Service so i needed to flip it to self service, remove the category then flip it back to install automatically and set the category to none, you could try this to see if it works;

  • Edit the Mac App Store app
  • If the Category is set to none assign it a category
  • save
  • see if it shows up in self service under that category

if that doesn't work then

  • Edit the Mac App Store app
  • Change the install method to Self Service
  • Assign a category
  • under the self service tab make sure the category is checked
  • save
  • edit
  • change install method back to install automatically
  • save
  • check if it shows in self service

i'm not sure if this is some odd side effect but it works in our environment, if i add a category it shows up in Self Service

New Contributor III

All of our apps are assigned to categories. Makes then easier to find when you have a large list of apps.

Contributor III


Did you try the 2nd list of steps ?

Esteemed Contributor III

If VPP policy is set to PUSH (Install Automatically/Prompt Users to Install), and PULL (Make Available in SelfService), and the former doesn't work, curious how the later would work...since they both work through MDM?


New Contributor III

Did anyone ever figure out a way to accomplish this?
Id like to push an App Store app to specific devices. But also make it available in self service for the rest of devices. Anyone have ideas on how to accomplish this?

Valued Contributor III

You can add a new app in the mac app store section and basically duplicate the existing app you have, and set the new duplicate to self service. You just have to use a slightly different name. I use this with older version numbers as a way to support older versions of apps as well.

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Princeton Public Schools

Valued Contributor III

Actually just had Jamf fix this in our cloud server by installing a knob in our SQL database that turns off the "compatibility check" for apps which then just pushes the correct version of that app for that specific system regardless of what version you have in the Jamf Mac App Store Apps section.

Just open a ticket with Jamf to fix this. Not sure why anyone would want it to not install, not sure what this "feature" is supposed to do.

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Princeton Public Schools