Mac App Store

Contributor III

Hi All,

Just wanted to start a conversation piece, but I assume you'll all be
immediately deleting the Mac App Store app from your Managed Macs right
away, right? =)

How do you feel this will impact your role as an admin if you left it out
there on boxes where the user has admin? Concerned?

Craig E


Release Candidate Programs Tester

That's the behavior we see,.. we do not allow our users to launch ASUS (blocked via mcx)..

But they can run the softwareupdate command from self service.. this seems to work..

Ben Toms
IT Support Analyst GREY Group
The Johnson Building, 77 Hatton Garden, London, EC1N 8JS
T: +44 (0) 20-3037-3819 |  Main: +44 (0) 20 3037 3000 | IT Helpdesk: +44 (0) 20 3037 3883


How soon do you guys think we could come up with a way to use the Mac App Store to redirect to Casper Self Service?

James Fuller | Starbucks Coffee Company | Technology Application Services | application developer II | Coffee Master

New Contributor

You are right that it's more than an app. If you haven't noticed yet,
they also put an item in the Apple menu. And I'm sure there are other
frameworks, such as opening a link from Safari to App Store. The hack to
disable Apple menu items doesn't seem to work either, the App Store
isn't even listed. Unless it's just a quirk with my computer.

Not applicable

Same reason why I try to dissuade my users from using non-personal machines
to manage their iOS devices - when they leave the company they'll have to
deal with moving their apps/content (ie, ask IT), or they'll have to
re-download everything somewhere else... Headaches either way.


Not applicable

Also, why deal with secondary liability if your users start pirating MAS


Honored Contributor

Well, not is has been hacked. Probably a day zero exploit or something
since it happened so quickly, but you can now easily pirate apps on the
app store

New Contributor II

I was under the impression that they were not going to be making this method public until February.


Not applicable

The gizmodo article mentions an automated program that will be released in
February but not sure what kind of claim that is to break into someone’s
house next week and letting everyone know.

The exploit concerns _CodeSignature, _MASReceipt and CodeResources. I am
going to guess that Apple may employ future code sigs based on psuedo random
generated value that also tags the app with the machine or the applestore
ID. That’s a guess. I hope they act fast on this.