Posted on
02:32 AM
- last edited
3 weeks ago
Every now and then I encounter the issue that Appstore apps are not installed during enrollment.
In the log it shows: vpp redownload call timed out <mdmclienterror:72>
Right now the only way to get them installed is wiping the disk and re-enrolling the machine...
Is there a better, faster way to accomplish this?
Posted on 05-09-2019 09:02 AM
We had this problem a few weeks ago. Support helped me figure out the solution. I re-downloaded the token for VPP, and then in Computers --> Mac App Store Apps --> VPP. I clicked edit, I unchecked Assign VPP Content, then save. Then rechecked the Assign VPP Content and save again. On the machine I ran a sudo Jamf manage a sudo Jamf recon on one of the machine that was experiencing this issue. It fixed it. Although Support said some of the steps might be superfluous... I was happy it worked because it fixed all of the apps (all of Microsoft Office) that were doing this. Before we did all this I sent all the support logs to Support and they said it was a iBooks or differing app accounts that was throwing this error- but as I mostly do all the ordering, and we do not use iBooks... It wasn't this. The VPP token/cycling the app's app settings did work! Good luck!
Posted on 05-09-2019 01:58 PM
Yes. I get the exact same thing, waiting on jamf support for an answer
Posted on 07-23-2019 07:07 AM
Posted on 07-23-2019 12:22 PM
@chrisdaggett No but installing an Apple content caching server has helped a lot
Posted on 07-30-2019 08:24 AM
Yeah, it took cycling the VPP token/cycling the app's app settings did work! Good luck!
Posted on 09-20-2019 09:00 AM
I tried cycling the VPP token as well today and but I am getting the
VPP redownload call timed out <MDMClientError:72>
Posted on 09-21-2019 03:06 AM
There's another thead on this. My solution was to turn off SSL inspection for the Macs.
Posted on 09-21-2019 03:23 AM
We weren’t using SSL decryption here but we did have some packet level inspection turned on. Turning all of that off does fix the problem.
This isn’t a good long term solution as we use packet level inspection to block torrent, radio, etc with our firewall.
I tried adding all the Apple servers I could find to not be inspected but did not have any luck.
Posted on 09-21-2019 03:55 AM
We tried adding the range the SSL exception but still didn't work. We just had to disable it completely when setting up macs.
Posted on 09-23-2019 08:48 PM
I had this error this morning. It was reported as an issue yesterday with one of our team setting up a machine.
I tested on a sacrificial machine that was a clean install. I started with xCode as that was what the report was about. Self Service showed the app install but in Applications the little pie progress indicator hadn't finished. I found this discussion and realised the issue was bigger than us when I saw the same error reported in JAMF Pro for his machine. I tried installing Xcode, Numbers, Keynote and iMovie via Self Service - all things that worked last I tried (a couple of weeks ago). Only Numbers worked i.e. completed fully. Clicking the App's that didn't complete opened the App Store app and it wanted an AppleID. Now I've looked at the machine a couple of hours later and the progress indicator disappeared and the App's are working with no prompts from the App Store
Saw this again today so added images of what I see - took about 30 minutes to change
Posted on 10-02-2019 02:50 AM
I'm having this too, DEP enrolled device as well as user-initiated enrolment.
Tried all the stuff mentioned above but no difference.
Posted on 10-02-2019 10:13 AM
Been having this problem for at least a month now. It's quite intermittent but when it pops up it is a huge headache and usually takes clearing all failed commands and 2 or 3 sudo jamf recons to get it to go. After quite a bit of back and forth with out support individual he alerted me to the fact that this is a known issue and that they are working with Apple on this. He has asked me to double check that I have the proper Server connections and Common ports open. If I do he has told me he will my case associated ticket they have with Apple. Here's part of the conversation.
"I took a look at that and it does appear we are hitting the errors that consistent with the behavior we're seeing in that known issue. Internally, it's filed as PI-007435. The > AppleCare ticket number related to this issue is 100893229861."
Posted on 10-24-2019 12:37 PM
i've been seeing it intermittently, but this week it has gotten considerably worse. Seeing with both self service and auto-install VPP apps.
Posted on 10-25-2019 06:26 AM
There are a couple of threads on this already you can check the latest on it here as it was one of the first cases reported and there are some solution you can try that have worked intermittently:
Posted on 10-25-2019 07:47 AM
Same here this week it happens on most of the computers. We had a big enrollment and most of all machines have been affected.
We are seeing "vpp redownload call timed out <mdmclienterror:72>". Everything else works fine.
Posted on 10-25-2019 07:51 AM
When we see the issue, @tperfitt's awesome (albeit nagware) Push Diagnostics usually fails the test.